
so does that mean the top screen is technically a touchscreen as well?

to be fair, white 2 takes place right after white 1 and the game assumes you know what happened there quite a few times (I owned and played them and had to go back to a wiki to remember a few things.) B/W 1 were a great pair of games, but the sequels were kinda just filler to buy them time to make X and Y. The

rewrites to the mythology itself. not the lines from the 1st set of movies, as I don't believe this is going to be connected in any way.

If we don't like this casting then who? Do we go old man reed with someone Big like Clooney or more of a nobody? what about Sue and Johnny?

Yea... Sue and Johnny are siblings. It would require some major rewrites to have those 2 actors play them as she has a very eastern european look to her. So they would have to become adopted/half siblings or not related at all.

Larry David harrassing Batman for his poor parking job?

sure, make her Namorita. Why not? would be more interesting than her current backstory.

I am assuming they are using sky as the proxy newcomer to teach us what we need to know about shield. We learn along with her. despite it's flaws I am enjoying the show. 2 things annoyed me last night...

that was my point. the 3 episodes was with my other consessions I was willing to accept. now that they set up the universe and the team roles I would like them to start delving into characters more.

There are certain things I've come to accept about Agents of Sheild. I know that being on at 8:00 on a major network comes with limitation. I understand that means there will be no shooting of bad guy henchmen and all battles will instead be TV kung fu where the good guy knocks them all out or throws into water


I vote for Bzzd. He was the best

Batman not killing is about his own refusal to take a life, to be better than those that he fights against. It is a personal choice about himself, not other people. He doesnt go beat up the GCPD if they kill someone in a shoot-out, or a judge that orders a death sentence.

I just realized that in all the rumors I've read for Avengers 2, I have not seen any mention of the falcon. Maybe they are keeping it hush hush to not spoil any of Cap 2, but that may not bode well for the character.

yea that was mainly my point. why would easy mode be given after you beat the main game. if a younger child (as an example) was having trouble and would benefit from an easier mode, you would think that should be something available at the start of the game.

you have options like healing with either pokecenters/people only, or items only (which is a lot harder). and the exp share thing is optional, so if you find it too easy with everyone gaining exp you can always go old school and turn it off.

the best part about nuzlockes are that you can always add more rules. Give yourself the "no gifted pokemon" rule. I have a feeling it will make it a lot harder. I always get way too attached to my guys about 1/2 through the game and grind soo much between gyms so I'm like 5-6 levels above everyone just so I

it could be a stunt by the baddies on the island to make Ollie think they killed slade. maybe slade makes a deal to get off the island himself, thats why ollie doesn't know and will be suprised when he shows up?

I remember with Black and White 1 I found a site that gave you different DNS numbers to punch into the wifi and get the event pokemon outside the dates/locations. All were still from nintendo/gamestop where ever. I got a few legendaries and a mew and maybe a surfing or flying pikachu

growlithe, houndour, poochyena, furfrou, snubble and herdier. Bam, dog team