
well to be fair, his comedy is depressing, but about himself, or that "other person" that the audience can hate with him. That way the audience can revel in the misery of the other people and feel superior. CK is all about the schadenfreude.

GOY edition with bumped graphics and DLC will be available on next gen consoles before the next holiday season. Mark my words...

so the ps4 can read ps3 discs enough to tell whats what. tell you what Sony, I wasn't planning on buying a ps4 for a while, but if you give me a feature (say as part of a PS+ aaccount) that I can download a ps3 game onto my hardrive and play it from my 4 (with the disc in) I will buy your console the week you

well they are rescuing daisy, that is HIS girl

I like at the very very end they have the creepy guys from mario galaxy watching from the rooftop. nice reference.

I'm a little cynical. All reports I have heard have them approaching J.K. and asking her to get involved, not vise versa. which means they had a story they wanted her to tell, not a story she wanted to tell.

I took my 4 all the way from ios 5 to 7 yesterday. 6.1.X needed 2.8 GB but 7 only needed 665 mb. probably because I get no awsome features.

I agree they went overboard on the design/flatness. Removing most button outlines and replaceing words with non-discript icons that take up the same space just seems counter intuitive and simply change for changes sake.

I'm sure the article paraphrases and simplifies Rawls' reasoning, but it would seem to me that everyone would pick which is best for themselves. If they know nothing of themselves then the safest pick is the option of equal portions for all, so you know you are at least getting what everyone else has.

I don't see the difference in the trolly one between killing and letting die. if you are on the track and have the ability to leave it on track one or change it to track two you are making that choice. the choice to do nothing is still a choice. you killed those people just as if you acted and killed the other.

thats because it's cool to hate on Comic Sans. It's the McDonald's of fonts. The Masses like to use it in flyers and emails, so it MUST be bad.

Ahh! It's the Red Horror! Someone get the Doctor!

that was kinda the point, that these nobody 3rd stringers took the name. I enjoyed when Superior Spidey (Doc Ock) taunted them about it as he took them down.

Froakie is so gonna be water/Flying but not gonna be able to learn fly just like mantine. gonna be a total waste.

"with their own genitals and the consenting genitals of other adult humans"

can't we just genetically engineer a bee without a stinger? I would be more than happy to house a nest around my home then.

what about if/when your phone locks up because of a poorly desigined app. how do you turn off your phone to reset it?

what happens when the phone freezes/locks up for some reason? how do you turn if off to reset it? wait until the battery dies?

Moore likes to pervert and distort existing characters, having them succumb to very human flaws. which to his credit works often. Kingdom Come is the exact opposite, showing them rise above those flaws.

I'm assuming the "Day" they are referring to is the day the "missing" doctor did whatever horrible things that he did to end the time war. Not the day they all meet up.