
the problem would be that making him Fire / Dragon not only reduces the 4x of rock but it would also be a dragon without the 2x weakness to ice OR fairy since (supposedly) fairy isnt effective against fire. leaving only a 2x to dragon, rock and ground and 1/2 to elec, bug, ice, steel and 1/4 to Fire and grass.

the article mentions that it is an amalgam of several photos.

not to be picky but number one is Jonathan Frakes....

1st, Frog Thor was awsome and I enjoyed the retcon story of parallax (and the eventual other color corps) much more than the original story.

Except they get you coming and going. So unless you are sending only to other people on private servers then SOMEONE is saving your emails somewhere.

they are, they stated this is the last one for a while. The next 2 for sure are new, the Good Dinosaur and Inside out ones they announced/gave more details on over the weekend.

maybe I'll get lucky and get it on sale at target for 19.99 (like ZombiU this week).

if I have a Wii U and wait to buy this used at half price will you hate me forever or just for a long time?

Whoever it is was at the Phila Comic-con as well, in the exact same barely there outfit.

I want to know what happens if I asked god A "IF I asked God B to ask god C if he was the god that told the truth, what would god B tell me god C said?"

So Avengers 2 picks up like 5 years after the avengers. All the Avengers have had babies by then, Tony creates Ultron, who then proceeds to kill all the avengers but Tony (who runs away with the babies) and Hulk, who dissappears to the savage land.

Half of these are all the same basic thing. "I would compare you to (X horrible thing) but that would be an insult to (X horrible thing)"

It's not just Comic Movies. Its ANY movie that is based on a prior work, whether it be comic/book/TV or even a prior movie (in a series or reboot).

Don't worry. SMB3 is just a stage play re-enacting mario's previous adventures. It says right in the playbill that "No toads were harmed in the making of this play."

there is nothing wrong with calling yourself an "Enthusiastic Amateur Photographer" it's humble and humorous at the same time. Though I would absolutley call you a photographer.

Maybe this will get me to go back and give 5 a try again.

yes, a photographer uses the camera to take pictures. The other is simply a camera-owner.

what elite status do you have to hit to qualify as a photographer? or a writer? Why can't someone who takes photos or writes as a hobby consider themselves a writer or photographer? do you have to be paid for your work.

Knightmare tower? I played that as a flash game on one of the free gaming sites a few weeks ago (Probably Kongregate or Armor Games or something).

I was hoping Carol would show up as a sheild/sword agent in either Cap 2 or Avengers 2. Flesh her out as a bad-ass without powers then let her get zapped by whichever alien tech you choose (found alien tech, thanos's baddies, whatever fits the script) allowing her to gain her powers.