
Keep your overly garrish and fancy looking "Swords" I'll take my sword with a plain black hilt and white circle anyday. Doomgiver wins them all

I quit marvel unlimited about a year ago. Maybe it has changed since then but I found the missing issues were always in the middle of a story arc. it seemed either intentional or very poorly managed.

KOTOR was 10 bucks, and has been in the top 10 paid apps on the app store for over a week now. so people are definitly willing to pay more (me included).

he's just as bad when he shows up in DS9 to prove his klingon-ness as a teen.

I was considering the Poke MMO question last night, and believe the only way they would do it is make it a stand alone pokemon game that you can play alone and offline OR can go to other "areas" that are online and allow the full MMO experience. You could also invite friends to play in your regular game areas. this

I got really excited for the new Fallout game I thought I was seeing that turned out to be Mad Max.....

I agree. I hated that scene. I was expecting it to be the moment Clark helps Pa realize that maybe saving people is more important that hiding. but no, dead dad cause I'm gonna stay hidden, well for a few more years anyway.

same scene as the cape fluttering, but why does he pull his arms in real tight and then shoot them out to fly real fast. are his arms giant springs that catapult him into flight. looked really odd.

only if Agent Coulson becomes the face of Boe....

it was fun, but nothing beats "There will be Brawl"

so medeival total war with Heroes? ok cool, I like

Whohoo, time to dust off my old Pazaak skills and get back to gambling!

that's BS. I bought and beat AC3 in less than a month, traded it in. it was 30 bucks + a 30% bonus if it was towards a new release. so it was $39. 2 games cost me 81 instead of 120 (minus taxes). thats a big difference that many people don't want to lose.

That and the door open sound effect from the original Doom video game. Its now part of a basic sound effects package everyone in hollywood has, and it pops up EVERYWHERE.

My Son is 3 and has all the Avengers, all the Justice League and a few X-men down.

I am currently a PS3 owner only. I am very excited about this new Xbox, I like the TV integration. . I have been thinking of buying a used xbox 360 to catch up on the exclusives from this gen I missed and mainly because I think kinect style games would be a great way to introduce my toddler to gaming (no

You too Fahey, keep up the great work!

Why is a game using Star Trek TOS characters using microtransaction denominations based in latinum? Latinum is the currency of the Ferengi empire (and a few other TNG species), The Ferengi have no part in TOS. only showing up in TNG, DS9 and Voyager.

But does it include Nyan Cat and Keyboard Cat? thats the REAL question

so what happens to my 2.50 a month 25 GB plan. am I grandfathered in? does it go to 50 GB, since it gave me 25 in gmail and 25 in drive?