
I know Batman's supposed to have a Gravely voice, but the fact that her Graveler sounds exactly like Bale's Batman is just way too funny.

I'd actually Love to see a 3DS version of a combined Black & white 1 & 2, with upgraded 3D and a few bonus and cleaned up items. Call it Pokemon Pure Black & White or something.

I bet even though you now "float" you still set off pressure plates and bear traps.

I have a good PC, and when I can game on it I can. unfortunetly (and as a PC gamer you are obviously aware) there are far too many games that either never hit the PC or are poorly ported over.

the Wii U will be a nice stopgap console for me. I'll be able to play the first year or two of next gen games on it and hopefully by the time its outgunned the PS4 or Xbox will have had their first price break and I'll pick that up.

honestly I expect an exclusive character on the WiiU and 3DS versions that you can unlock on the other if you have both games.

I saw the picture and headline and thought, I can play as Stan Lee and NOW I can play as Bruce Campbell too?!?

I like the XL concept. I only ever play my DS at home and if I didnt already have a DS lite I would have purchased the XL. I have not purchased a 3DS yet, so when nintendo forces me to buy one to play the next pokemon game I will get one and it will likely be the XL.

I'm not saying people shouldnt complain about the lack of a second stick. by all means, if you fell thats what's lacking, voice your opinion. and voice it strongly.

This isnt a new Version of the 3DS people. there are no feature changes except for the size. some people don't like the the smaller form factor, so they made a bigger one. they did it with the DSi, and they just rolled it over to the 3DS.

it must be an Alan Dean Foster thing. I had read the first book of his Damned Trilogy (a call to arms) and part of the second as books from the library when I was like 10 one summer vacation. My mom returned the books and I could never find them again. (not realizing as a child I probably could have had a librarian

let me guess, her name is Alberta and she lives in Vancouver?

I'll be rooting for this to show up on the next humble indie bundle.

yea right, like anyone in the IAU has slept with a woman...

man, I want us to build such an awsome telescope so we can zoom in on distant planets and we can all watch distant alien cows walking around munching on strange alien grass, both of which died 100 million years ago.

My understanding is that the general belief is that it is finite but the is no end/edge. Imagine a 2d being living on the surface of an orange. There is no edge/end but a finite amount of space. now try to imagine that in a 3d way. hurts my brain a little.

The real question is can I view Hulu, netflix, and HBO go on my phone. Honestly those are the make it or break it for my phone and the reason I currenly have an iphone.

I never thought about the Superboy not aging thing. but it seems kinda selective in age appearance as Wally, Artemis and Aqualad do not appear to have aged but Robin (nightwing) has transformed significanly.

I want that game!

my biggest issue is that we will never see Dales real death. It is one of my favorite scenes in the entire comic run so far, and we well never see it.