
"I wrote a scene in which a zombie climbed a ladder and everybody told me I was an idiot because zombies can't do that. I was, like, if I wrote it down it happens."

ahh Young Justice season 2 premier. Damn thing had me scouring the internet for information because I assumed somehow 1.) my DVR didn't tape a bunch of episodes or 2.) CN aired them in the wrong order.

It all depends on how well its done. I enjoyed both the Avengers and Watchmen and they are very different superhero films. one is about 80/20 action/plot, the other is 20/80.

you say that as if thats not the driving factor behind all superhero movies and 99% of all movies out there anyway.

nah, it coming out the 3rd gives it the holiday (in america) and 2 full weekends before Bats comes around to crush it. It would have made most of its gross by that time anyway.

I don't think they are being too negative, most I have read are cautiously optimistic. There hasn't really been a successful (commercially) keyboard for tablets, so the odds are stacked against Microsoft. I don't blame the journalists for having an attitude of "looks awsome, but I'll believe in when I try it"

its an offical trailer so you should be ok. He did a fantastic Job hiding the whole 3rd act from the trailers for the last film

why does Alfred call him "Master Wayne" at the end, that sounds so wierd. He has only ever called him "Master Bruce"

how does the terrorist hijacker go back to his boss and explain he was seated on the side without the pilot...

The blond girl in the Wreck it Ralph posters looks like Alison Hayslip.

This is like planet porn. I mean sending "ejecta" out of the atmosphere in a process called "ballistic panspermia" is bad enough but then describing the act as "extremes of compressional shock, heating, and acceleration"

"workers don't only assemble the iPhone and the iPhone"

Turn left onto... Directions brought to you by bounty the quicker picker upper .... you have missed your turn. recalculating....

Yea thats Definitly Deidrick Bader as Batman (same as brave and the bold). Thats fine with me, this game should have a more fun cheesey batman anyway.

comcast has been doing this with pop ups for a while now. (on certain select items)

Samsonite can't be happy paying for that fancy (and annoying) full splash ad over the article photo when the headline below reads "how the hell is this piece of crap a real product"

House Batman

Nah, Friendly Neighborhood Jesus all the way.

The sad part is, it's pretty much a word now. It has been listed as "non-standard" in a lot of dictionaries for years now and I believe Merriam Webster and a few others added it completely a year or two ago.

The left lane going slow during a higher traffic time isnt because someone is driving slow in the left land, its because no one can stay in their own damn lane. ooh, that land is moving a little faster, let me dive into it and cause everyone behind me in that lane to slam on their brakes. over and over again.