
They had to show those in their own presser. If they don't no one is. All the big name developers will announce their own games during their presentations, but no one is going to show 1st party Nintendo stuff except Nintendo.

It's just a pun on the old nintendo "Game and Watch" series, not sure how or if that will impact the gameplay though.

wow those guys sure look plasticy... almost like action figures....

quick question to the Kotaku guys. The way Stephen was talking it sounded like nintendo requires you to show and not show certain things to take a video. could you tell us what they are?

Love me some New Super Mario Bros. Now if you can make levels and share them (like they said the Wii U can do on the direct video) this will be amazing.

I thought Iwata said (in the Nintendo direct video yesteraday) that the E3 presser was going to be all Wii U and 3DS news will come at a later time.

I thought Awata said (in the Nintendo direct video yesteraday) that the E3 presser was going to be all Wii U and 3DS news will come at a later time.

I have been waiting on the 3DS as long as I could to let the 1st revision come out before buying it. I think when I get one (when pokemon forces me to) I would be up for the XL version instead. Most of my "mobile" gaming is at home anyway.

is that the Silver Centurion armor I see?


so Bane breaks Batman, Batman gets mostly better but not 100% and has a final showdown with Bane in a waist high mudpit that slows down Bane and allows batman to take him down with pressure points and calculated strikes, and at some point Batman has to say...

buying figures instead of collecting them in game would screw up the mechanics of a pokemon game I would think. That and it would cost a fortune...

he said in the video that it will connect to the 3DS. He also said it won't connect to cell phones at launch, but at a "later date"

Gray is a color..... Solomon Grundy is gray....

I like the idea a lot actually. not only do you have to master a character's moveset but a level's as well. Adds a new amount of depth.

Hey, where is Superman's new AWSOME turleneck collar?

Was a huge Quasar fan as a kid (and still am), and had that issue when it came out. I didnt make the Flash connection for almost a decade.

People were well aware of the xbox timed exclusive DLC when Skyrim first launched. If someone were torn between buying it for xbox or PS3 then this may have swayed their opinion.

So I'm already a werewolf and a member of a cannibalistic guild, now I can become a Vampire Bat thingy too?

so this is basically natures version of "got your nosie!" then?