
I have not read the books so maybe its better explained there. but How are that many new people added into the Game of Thrones that we have never even heard of before. If they are going to play pivitol roles shouldn't they at least have been mentioned in passing? What have they all been doing during the GIANT

this is very much the feeling you get when playing with little action figures with a toddler. The goofy and surreal world of miniture play things.

I actually don't mind the jump, just the execution. Very Little explanation of where developing characters went, and too much focus on Blue Beetle. I assume he is going to play a pivitol role as the badguy is sure to be connected to his armor, but give us a breather.

as long as they don't go screwing it up and doing something crazy like jumping 5 years into the future...

After reading many of the other comments I thought I would also add...

Part of the problem is Robin has not evolved to pair well with the evolution of Batman throughout the years.

Thank you for that knowledge. I thought I had damaged one of my speakers because sound only came out of the one side.

or you could just tattoo a number on everyone's forearm. after all, what could possibly go wrong?

scored reviews are pretty meaningless unless you are familiar with the reviewer. If the reviewer is consistant that's all that really matters.

so where are iron man, captain america and Thor? C'mon, I can't be the only one who thought this when reading the headline!

I was thinking more like this

which app do I use to shame the person trying to take a picture of another cars liscence plate with their phone while driving and then typing information about what that car did into an app.

one, one non sequitur

can we have someone besides Loki be the villian in Thor 2? I like him, but he's already been the bad guy for Thor and the Avengers. With so many other characters in the marvel universe let's mix it up a little.

wow, why does emma frost seem like shes 80 and strung out on coke

well it was put in the office of the game developer, I hope they know how it ends.

I'm sorry, but #5 looks like she's crying and being forced to dress up like this by some crazy man who has her locked in a basement.

ok this is Bat/Architecture article #2 today. lets go for the trifecta guys!

I had to move my router down to my living room and hard wire my PS3 into my network to get Hulu Plus to work (netflix ran fine over wifi). It was a pain but was very much worth it.

I'm sorry, but I can't believe that batman say "nuts" when his grappling hook dislodges and starts him plummeting towards the earth.