
Woah woah woah those are totally nintendo Mii's in the 2nd one. How did that get through the app store approval?

obviously you've never heard of "my baby can read"

I'm not saying I believe they will ruin the single player. I'm just stating that I hope they do not. there have been many series that have continued to chop the single player experience down in time and quality for more multiplayer. I don't see why that wouldn't be a valid concern, especially to someone who really

PLEASE don't ruin the single player! As a gamer who prefers his games to be a solo affair PLEASE don't ruin one of my few bastions of single-playeredness for some cheap multiplater shooter. Those people have enough outlets.

Oh look, A Three headed Monkey!

yowza.... I don't like how you use the internet. Do it defferently so that you don't annoy me.

I can buy the printed collection of the first batman issues for far cheaper than that.

screw E3, this is the best video game news I will hear all year. Hands down.

thats no moon!

awww, you beat ninja. that took 19 clicks. I guess that just proves that barry pepper is tougher than a ninja.

to be honest, I don't think Zoe Saldana knows alot of trek info so she may just assume that Romulans are always the bad guys.

His lack of eyeballs is very unsettling....

MMM...made from 100% real Miltank meat.

Sounds like I'm gonna be getting alot of money trading in clothes at the second hand store on sunday

So the content he was shooting (Big explosions and lots of dust) nor the way he likes to film Quick Panning and camera cuts) are not condusive to 3D filming but Michael Bay says believes it was a good match with his movie huh?

I will not be watching ANY new shows this season. I had FOUR shows I enjoyed cancelled this year. From now on I will wait until a show hits its second season and has good word of mouth reviews. I will then buy the dvds of season one and start with season two live.

I'm just going to assume the limo is going to have 3 giant bananas dragging behind it.

if pokemon is ever ported to the iphone (and we all know that will NEVER happen) my gaming life would be complete.

Shouldnt Guybrush be under T for Treepwood, since all the others are by last name?

My same though goes for R is for Mega man?