You’re referring to this?
You’re referring to this?
In my day, we used to string 20, 30, sometimes 50 tweets together, but then publish it all at once! We called it “an angry response to the alt.tv.x-files.fanfic.scully-and-skinner-boning Usenet group”!
Well, I’m glad I didn’t take that guy in my survival pool this week.
Totally full of shit. No one remembers anything about Gerald Williams.
What a shock: Nick Young taking some unnecessary shots.
Rat-Tail: "So what are you in for?"
Force the Pats to be on Hard Knocks for the next two seasons. Belichick would lose his fucking mind.
i personally believe Bill Belichick should go to jail.
My gut tells me Allenby's telling the truth. They can't all be good Samaritans.
I don't know who you are. I don't know what you want. If you are looking for ransom, I can tell you I don't have money. But what I do have are a very particular set of skills, skills I have acquired over a very long career. I can hit a 7 iron over 175 yards. My GIR last year was 40th on the PGA. I can hit a…
RMJ=H: Go in back of the screen in movie room when u get home
Judge: "This evidence is inadmissible. Bailiff, throw it out."
Bailiff: [throws evidence eight yards short of the garbage can]
Bailiff: [walks over and picks evidence up off the courthouse floor]
Bailiff: [throws evidence like ten yards over the garbage can and a bit to the right of it]
Bailiff: [walks over and picks…
My favorite memory of Kyuss was listening to them on my headphones once while riding my bicycle. It took me an hour and 15 minutes to realize I had one song on repeat. I was just rocking out that much.
We're halfway there to finally breaking down Winston's decision making process. Now we just need to find his little devil.
Actually, it's good. Happy Halloween everybody.
The Managers Waltz is an utterly pointless tradition.
Nothing beats her #PotTot hashtag.
It's okay. My wife isn't technically a woman.