If Yarn Yoshi isn't a Club Nintendo or Pre-Order gift...
If Yarn Yoshi isn't a Club Nintendo or Pre-Order gift...
Finding a friend in the city you're looking at helps immensely. I found a new IT gig after 15 months of unemployment by using their address on my resume for local employers, and scheduled an interview while I visited them. Once I had a local address, I went from unemployed to decent wages in less than two full weeks.
We need this so very, very, very bad. Reading Rainbow got me into reading anything I could get my hands on. School beat the joy of reading out of me by turning it all into logical structures, stanzas, etc. American schools continue to largely alienate readers (in my siblings experiences), so yes, I am all for Reading…
When I say "Captain Macho", I more refer to the protagonist in these genre of games.
I should make it clear that neither of us were actually offended by the box art, and we both have every intention of playing (and, if it's anything like previous games, enjoying) FarCry 4. Furthermore, we're not asking for censorship, as that is the absolute worst thing that could happen for games and media.
A friend of mine who is a gaming journalist for a traditional rag actually tweeted this box art upon its release without initial comment (though the tone was clearly negative). I replied back, a little curious as to why he found it noteworthy.
Nice to see Developers still using filters on Xbox games to "juice" up things like saturation and contrast to cover up graphic deficiencies. Seriously, what's so bad about raw video output, like the PS4/PS3/PC do?
With regards to moving it yourself, a few points of note from my experience hauling PCs almost a dozen times cross country, now.
My two cents: for Apple users who travel and forgot their adapter, it can't hurt to hit up the Apple store and explain your situation. I was visiting Cardiff and had what I thought was the correct adapter (It said EU/UK), but was actually a two pin EU adapter and not a three pin grounded plug used in the UK proper. …
I just pay the fee, personally. The $50 you spend to get in is roughly the cost of a meal in an airport restaurant anyhow, the difference being instead of getting a greasy burger with a 50/50 chance of getting diarrhea halfway through your flight, you're instead getting a filet mignon with a cup of gourmet ice cream…
Good thing I'm in IT. They'll always need someone trustworthy to swap equipment, fix physical problems, and interface with my fellow meat sacks to procure additional hardware.
I think the fact my dealer has a service rewards program speaks volumes about how bad it's gotten. Not to mention that infamously shitty "check engine" light that entitles you to a free fucking by any mechanic. Oh, and the infamous dealer four square process of buying a car.
Just...goddamnit, Ubisoft. You know what? No, fuck all the developers of "Next-Gen" games, and fuck Sony & Microsoft for gimping their "Next-Gen" systems. This is complete horseshit. You would think "Next-Gen" games would try running at 1080p consistently, but that's already fallen by the wayside. So instead,…
As a former worker in a now-bankrupt game store chain, I can confirm that this tends to be the dirty little secret of chain game stores (and even some big box stores). We would get a list every week of stuff in our store to toss out/destroy, and had to send the respective "proof of destruction" back with the shipment…
I have a friend who injured his back two years ago, and has had difficulty bending over or lifting things since, and even incurs pain when he sneezes or coughs. I'm trying to coax him into a Hospital, but he's having none of it (no insurance, dirt poor). A Chiropractor he visited says it was due to his sleep…
I'm lucky enough to be in a situation with Verizon FiOS where the basic TV package ends up being free when bundled with my 50/25 Internet. All I pay for is the $5/month CableCARD and do all my watching/recording through Windows Media Center. I don't watch sports, so trading ESPN for BBC America, Cartoon Network and FX…
I had a dilemma when I purchased a new car after my Grand Am failed MA inspection. I had always budgeted out a car payment of $400/month, but I quickly found that I could actually afford a BMW or something for that price if I put down a down payment.
Wow, I had no idea about the wide swath of crap not allowed on OneDrive.
I've got five grand in mine, but I'm struggling financially at the moment. My rule of thumb used to be have enough to nuke any remaining credit card debt plus three months rent. Now it's meant to keep me afloat until unemployment kicks in, plus the cost of a move.
What, no HD800 mods? :D I jest, they don't need modding (except a balanced cable for certain amps).