Looting is taking a flat screen TV from a boarded up Best Buy during a natural disaster. Taking food from a supermarket in the same scenario? Yeah, it’s a crime, but if you -need to survive-, what else can you do?
Looting is taking a flat screen TV from a boarded up Best Buy during a natural disaster. Taking food from a supermarket in the same scenario? Yeah, it’s a crime, but if you -need to survive-, what else can you do?
It’s really, really, REALLY worth playing through now, rather than later. The story has a lot to digest philosophically, especially if you read the supplemental lore materials scattered throughout. The expansion will almost certainly build off of that and the events of the main game, not alongside it, like a DLC side…
And yet - AND YET - it was ESPN that requested the change.
“There is nothing wrong with wanting, say, pro-choice rights for women, marriage equality, AND lower taxes and smaller government.”
It’s the console versions with the minute long loading times, unfortunately. CryEngine 3 has always had rubbish load times on consoles, and Prey is no different, unfortunately.
At $20, the Steam Link is a fun experiment device for anyone with a large Steam library and an even larger TV nowhere near their gaming PC. It has its quirks, it could use some polish, and the video quality can look kind of soft (even over gigabit wiring), but it’s infinitely more relaxing to enjoy games like…
At $20, the Steam Link is a fun experiment device for anyone with a large Steam library and an even larger TV…
Right? Because it’s perfectly acceptable to punish the woman for the rest of her life while the husban/boyfriend/Father is largely able to skip out and do fuck all.
RIP Pinball Wizard Arcade, kicked out by their shitty landlord raising rent to unsustainable levels (so I heard). I still have tokens to use, too.
It’s still 8-bit only, but as others have pointed out, fully compliant HDR10 displays tend to be several hundred dollars more expensive, and that’s something that is a deal breaker for a lot of folks.
It’s still 8-bit only, but as others have pointed out, fully compliant HDR10 displays tend to be several hundred…
Unpopular opinion time! I’d suggest skipping the Visio M-series outright if you’re looking to replace your primary TV with something future proof. Why? The M-series only has 8-bit display panels, meaning they can’t actually approach DCI-P3 or REC2020 color that’s part of the HDR specifications (HDR10 calls for a…
Unpopular opinion time! I’d suggest skipping the Visio M-series outright if you’re looking to replace your primary…
Not as considerably as you’d think, since it’s still mainly banks giving out those loans, not venture capitalists. You’d see a pop of the Silicon Valley bubble for sure, and that would lead to a slowdown, not to mention an immediate recoil by the rich/wealthy as their easy revenue streams are slashed, but the economy…
I know you can deduct losses from your stock market gambles on your taxes, thereby reducing your tax burden. Tell me how that’s not federally sponsored gambling.
Solid counterpoint, I’ve learned my lesson.
Yes, I am. You can use that money to buy your heirs a home, get them the best education, even set them up for life with a meager trust fund if you’d like. But the idea of turning your heirs into another dynasty like the Waltons? Or the Kochs? Or even the Rockefellers? No, fuck you, that’s why the estate tax existed,…
I fail to see why people earning their income through federally-sponsored gambling (aka “capital gains”) should pay a lower tax rate than people actually doing labor or contributing to the larger economic machine. I’m not saying to punish investors or VCs or the like, only to tax them relative to the economic…
Yeah, I’m sure the Waltons, Kochs, Gates, Buffets, etc will all be SUPER on board with a Capital Gains tax hike.
IT guy here! Just a reminder to folks that you should replace your surge protector every few years or so, depending on how bad your local power source is in terms of spikes, dips, surges, and black or brownouts. The community hit the nail on the head with this APC choice, but surge protectors do wear out with time,…
IT guy here! Just a reminder to folks that you should replace your surge protector every few years or so, depending…
So I was going to construct a well reasoned response to your misunderstanding or misframing of my argument, until I got to the very last line where you showed your true colors.
Okay but what about video or audio quality? I hear Crunchyroll just dropped their streaming quality substantially, but haven’t heard much of anything about Funimation’s offerings.
Uh, I’m sorry, but if half-assed “romances” qualify as “representation”, then civil partnerships would exist alongside marriage still. Representation isn’t about throwing a bone to an audience, it’s about making them feel as involved as their peers. I really, really, REALLY hate to use this analogy, but your argument…