
Seriously, what were they going to do, show Hillary on a screen looking like the Wizard of Oz, pre-curtain?

I saw a documentary on this!

ITA that this may be more of a liberal arts/upper-class/elite school type of thing. While I have colleagues that are almost overly aware of trigger warnings, the amount of students at our institution that have complained about such things is minuscule. I am a WOC who teaches mostly working class to middle-class

I feel like most 20 something women I know are much closer to their female friends than the men they date. I think one of the reasons women are getting married later in life is because female friends fulfill a lot of the emotional intimacy we need in our lives. I don’t think there’s anything homosexual about it, I

The fish in my son’s aquarium turned cannibal and he had many, many questions about this. I’d very much welcome the chance to change the topic to lesbian fish.

I thought she got some kick ass super secret settlement in exchange for never talking. But maybe I’m wrong about that.

Yeah, I think the E! show was better becaue of the round table portion... frankly she is not very good at interviews. The bits she has done, like with the elderly people and the election, I have enjoyed so far. But the interviews have sucked, and since this show is basically just interviews, it is not good.

The soccer thing in the US is ridiculous. The women win more than the men, boost the image of US soccer more, and drive youth soccer participation.... Yet get much less respect. And money.

No surprise, girl is a control freak.

Off-topic: Life can be depressing. However, I have discovered that there is a live walrus cam you can watch every day this summer.

Your own analysis seems to ignore the very glaring fact that when people try to have a substantial conversations about Clinton’s legitimate short comings as a politician, public servant, and candidate, they get hand-waved away in favor of the dominant narrative that people just hate her because she’s a woman. Its been

But is he wrong? What does she do for fun? Brooks is annoying, for sure, but it is an important point. It is a point of connection and aside from making millions from speeches, what does she do?

I call those people “serial monogamists.”

She’s that friend we all have who can’t be single, ever, and feels like she has to marry or get engaged to every guy she fucks. Glad she’s at least more mature and responsible with her finances than she is with her romantic life.

Skim milk is an invention of unhappy people with daddy issues. cream! I’ve given up meat before, for close to a year, and it wasn’t much of a struggle but I couldn’t give up cookies and cream ice cream! And chicken! If I could eat nothing but rice and chicken, followed by some ice cream, for every meal, I’d be a very happy man.

Also, honey is the food of the gods and you will pry it from my cold, dead hands.

;P I’m a vegetarian because since I was a kid I didn’t like the taste or texture of meat, and I struggled to choke it down before my parents let me become a vegetarian around age 15. But even I look sideways at vegans. I tried it for a hot minute in college, but life is not worth living without cheese and iced cream.

So what you’re saying Ellie is that not eating meat makes you crazy. I knew it!