
The other side does the same thing, but we like to think that it’s a ‘them’ problem. It’s a tribalism problem, and it’s fucking scary. Either one of these candidates could be found with overdosed hooker in their limo and they’d hardly lose any votes.

Translation: Rates at which men lie about watching porn range from 1% to 50%.

Just wait. Somehow this will be Huma’s fault. “Why hasn’t she taken her son and left?” “A good mother would have left the campaign trail and come home.” “Benghazi!”

No. Just no.

No one gets worked up about whatever uniform techbros are wearing nowadays, or frets that middle-aged male scientists are wearing khakis and polo shirts every day, so I refuse to get worked up about women wearing yoga pants arond town.

However, if I go to the gym and then run errands, I look and feel like a horrible stinky disaster of a human being. I only rock the athleisure as glorified pajamas I can wear outside without shame.

is “Latinx” a new thing? I saw it last week and thought it was a typo.

The one and only time I’ve been in a Hooters was on a business meeting, and the place was suggested by a guy we were interviewing to hire, who would not shut up about what a good Chrstian he was. He was also married, with two young daughters.

Completely understandable. It reaches the point where I just want to look at people like that and say, "oh, please tell me about your gluten issues. I didn't hear you the first 5 million times."

There is always at least one if not two days of utter silence during which I figure out in my head the cost of redecorating room by room after I toss his ass out once we get home.

I came home yesterday from a beach vacation with my fiance, my dad and his gf. This couldn’t be more true. I use to only sort of be bothered by my dad’s gf, now I find her completely insufferable and probably will avoid her as best as I can for a few months. And they’re moving in together. I just can’t get her

This is bleak. I come from a family of happily married people but I’m still terrified of marrying the wrong person and ending up like the cat graph up there.

So, according to this chart, cats are the cause of divorce.

My understanding is they have a rotating roster of about 200, like a K-Pop group.

What is that last one from?

I was 15 and I thought her style was the COOLEST

he’s like the cicadas. he has to come back every 17 years to haunt us for the summer and then he dies off again.

Cosign. I don’t watch the show, but the Jez series always makes me laugh.

Mayers’ bathroom break strategy caught up to her once she took the job at Yahoo! as she immediately proceeded to shit all over it.

There is plenty of autism in families “with no previous history of the illness.” This is known, and it is also known that autism presents itself in a spectrum, the S in ASD. So there is the very real possibility (if you use Occam’s Razor) that there was ASD in the family but it went unrecognized. Changes in diagnostic