
Same! No divorces in my family so far, but I sometimes wonder about my parents like they’re about to hit their 45th, but I can see things that I don’t want in a future relationship for me. Like my mum gets annoyed that my dad isn’t more adventurous in their traveling and likes to stay at the same Caribbean island

Yum! Also where is that last gif from?

Imlike her round table. I also liked when she went to telenovela school. I enjoy seeing her doing stuff and doing jokes about it. But her interviewing is so bori, I always pressed stop on my screen when the interview portion came up.

There’s a personal injury law firm that touts it going to Madison and getting them to change the law on helmets to win a case against an insurance company after a motorcycle accident. They literally roll that commercial allllllll the time here!

But think of all the press this is getting Live, people talking about the show, and probably higher ratings.

WHY?! Why dear God is this not the TOP comment?!!!

Definitely agree! They have some shows that I like to watch, especially some current season stuff. They should've started out immediately with the commercial free option!

I pay for the 12 a month Hulu subscription which is commercial free. It’s only 4 extra dollars a month than the commercial paid subscription option. I was like, oh ok! 4 more dollars and no commercials. Sign me up!

This is my god parents! They keep a condo in Streeterville for the weekends

Not saying this is a good or bad location. But there is plenty of public parking already and there’s plenty of food options right around there. My friend used to live right there and I spent a lot of time around there. Also my god parents have a place in a building there too. And Michigan ave is literally 5-10 minute

He's one of the biggest names in EDM. And also a huge producer!

I’ve seen since the last election the republican tactic to make JFK theirs. Santorum (pretty sure) made similar statements in 2012

I’ve had many “twinky” guys call me fat to which I go oh I’m sorry, I didnt realize the fact I go to the gym 5 times a week and eat mostly healthy. But please go on how you eat like shit and just happen to have a have slim build..... Alllllllll the eyerolls

When I was in Turkey, I’ve never received so much attention. It was definitely an ego boost versus my experience here dating wise. But also I think it depends on what part of the U.S.

Wait! I could gets onboard with condoms being added to non-tax. That seems like it'd benefit both men and women

My parents in college (late 60s/early 70s) had a few friends who had flown to other states to have some prosedures done. My mom still talks abouts how lucky they all were to have the options back then! She can’t believe people want to go back to that time!

I like to think that someone was just tired, had enough of that day, and watch like. what, If we don’t do anything, it’s minimalist! And can I get some aspirin for this hang over

The main issue of that draughts, as well as that of the southwest, is that they’ve experienced dryer than average year after year. The Sierra Nevadas aren’t getting the amount of snow in the wetter winter months to replace what’s being used and needed. Now we can argue all the live long day about dietary habits of our

I’m not sure how I feel about your comment. I’m center left and live in “fly over country” annnnnnnd honestly that’s an over simplification of a vast swath of this country. and really issues can break down on regins (I dont have much in common with say someone in Nebraska because I’m in Wisconsin) and even at that,

I am in the same boat. There’s a billboard like a few stops from my exit to my house in the highway, I’ve passed that thing now everyday almost for at least a month, if not already two. Add in the few commercials I’ve been seeing and they did me in, say hello to my DVR and the fraction that the weather is gloomy