
No but as an Asian woman she has the right to make fun of the dictator of her people. Lighten up., you are internalizing and making this about you.

Um, I kind of see where you're coming from but I see her performance last night as an extension of her her 30 Rock Kim Jun Il/Sun character.

I have Simpsons quote for Lucy Hale:

Nicole Lyn? She is a multiracial actress of African ancestry who could 'pass'. (Her mother is African-Jamaican and her father is Chinese-Jamaican, which might let her count as black enough for those who police that sort of thing.)

I read somewhere that she had/has a cold. Does her husband looks 15 to anyone else?

In which I applaud PETA:

You should read about the rampant homosexuality in Saudi Arabia in the Atlantic. I think the title was something like "The Kingdom in the Closet".

I applaud this decision. In fact there should be separate flights for men and woman. As a gay man, I look forward to a lady-free sausage flight.

Updated tips from Fox News

One of her Hunger Game costars (Josh Hutcherson) pointed out at Comic Con that the HG films are why he can do these small creative indie projects. There's an awful lot of freedom that comes with being set for life because of one project.

Prints? Downloads? Tara, please take my cash!

Turkey is a truly unique country, as it straddles the onset of progressive thought among youth, but is influenced heavily by more traditional (yes) middle-eastern values. And it is absolutely dependent on where you are in the country when you speak of the politics and cultural norms. Too many assume the north-west is

For real. The prices are also going up and up but the quality isn't. And that's the biggest problem. I have no problem plunking down some cash for something that I can wear for a long time, but J.Crew clothing doesn't stand up as much as used to.

Don't get me wrong, I love the new JCrew. But, maybe it's the ever increasing (seemingly doubling) price points that are the revenue problem? That with a significant cutback in basic basics (or they sell out too fast) and you're losing core customers. Interesting and stylish is good and fun, but basics bring you

I am proud to say that I didn't lose a single one of my 127 Instagram followers. That's because I keep it real AMIRITE PEOPLE?!?

Good lord, this is an awful outfit. The lines of the bustier make it look like her breasts have bags under their eyes, and the skirt is pulling in a really awful way. Nice colours on her, but terrible fabric choice and terrible design. The cups don't even look like they fit.

Say it in the right tone of voice, emphasize certain tropes or cliches, suddenly it's not's just banal. It's hilarious.

Gee, how funny would it be if me and a bunch of my gay friends read out women's OKCupid and other singles sites profiles? Oh so educational, right?

awww. That's why I almost watched.