
When it leads to your impeachment.


I am so fucking disappointed that she apologized. Michelle Wolf, thank you for never backing down.

I mean I think the most likely answer is that she got a face lift. This isn’t some kind of bodysnatching conspiracy.

Trump pardoning himself would effectively be an confession of guilt, and a call for himself to be impeached. He won’t go to jail, but he would need to be removed from office.

In every way. Her brand once appealed mainly to monied people of class, so, people who recognized the Donald as a tacky braggart early on. Now she’s the ex-con lifestyle guru who can offer wisdom on rolling both a perfect pie crust and a perfect j. In what world does a pardon from “put faux gold on it” Donnie help

The saddest part is that he will be able to recall each of these moments perfectly for the rest of his life. Meanwhile J.R. Smith can’t remember the score for more than three seconds.

If you gave the people of Northern Ireland a vote tomorrow, it would predominantly vote pro-choice. That’s at least what I’m reading in the polling from various sources.

In response to US tariffs, Brussels is playing a smart game by targeting exports from Republican-run states - amongst American exports being considered for EU tariffs are Harley Davidson, Florida orange juice, and American whiskey. The EU is also hauling the US in front of the WTO.

I’m assuming that a woman being called a cunt doesn’t even register as a problem with the pussy grabber. It’s interesting how everyone at the white house and fox news seems to be ok with the implied incest from that comment, but using the C word is too far.

Imagine the nightmare where you live in Kansas (that’s it, that’s the whole nightmare, jk) and you unexpectedly got pregnant, considered your options (or maybe you knew you really only had one option that made any sense), booked your medical abortion with pp and now this shit. This is awful.

without resorting to gendered slurs

Fuck that.

You know, I really wish I could BeBest, but since families are being torn apart at the border while Ms. Complicit gets to hug her children without fearing for their lives, I just can’t.

I’m having a shitty morning life and this is the first thing that made me smile thus far today. I absolutely LOVE how upset it makes them! It truly makes me’ ol’ heart this gif.

Too bad.

As Smokey Robinson sang in The Tears of a Clown:

We are in a quagmire if we do not tell truth. And much of the media is invested in access to the White House, and so they whitewash the truth; they blur the narrative; they soften their analysis. And this is wrong.

I don’t know about Mrs. Ed, but Mr. Ed knows all about furlongs.

Godspeed, Ed. Here’s hoping you and Mrs. Ed are having a swell time.