If he had ended up on teh cowboys and Emmitt was on the lions Barry would have had 25k yards rushing and emmitt would have been a night manager at a bowling alley after 3 years in the league.
If he had ended up on teh cowboys and Emmitt was on the lions Barry would have had 25k yards rushing and emmitt would have been a night manager at a bowling alley after 3 years in the league.
You and people like you should be set on fire and thrown off buildings and I have no shame in admitting it
I’m just dreaming of the shades of orange Trump would turn if a championship team went to hang out at Obama’s house instead of the White House.
I jealous of your 1911 and the 149 😉
Then would you mind cleaning the bathroom in the guestroom before our out-of-towners get here this afternoon?
Oh, come on. Throwing a slave master to a dragon and burning thousands of civilians to death are not equally bad.
I’d actually watch CSPAN for that.
Unfortunately, the way to get men to care is (for mothers and fathers) to raise better sons. Abortion is such a fundamental concept that if you reach adulthood without giving a shit about it at least in the abstract, you’re very nearly a lost cause. Some men experience the slightest awakening of empathy with the birth…
I (cis-man) support abortion rights. I vote for candidates that are pro-choice. This “they have no real skin in the game” just ain’t true. I’m currently raising several kids. Whether or not my wife has access to abortion rights should she somehow gets pregnant again DEFINITELY affects me. To the tune of several…
Boston is for masochists who look at NYC and say “Hmm this place is pretty bad....but I want a city where people are even ruder assholes and the weather is even worse”
I’l chime in and say that I’m a minority and NYC and LA and other big cities provide an easier way of life in terms of fitting in. I’ve lived in the suburbs before and got tired of being the only colored face in a sea of Kyles, Jacobs and Irenes. Yes, racism and culture and acceptance is a thing and is harder to find…
If you want Ethiopian takeout, shit if you want ANY kind of takeout at 3:00 in the morning, you are a fucking retard
As a lifelong New Yorker who recently moved out to the suburbs because having a baby in NYC is pure hell, I can tell you: I miss it terribly, even though I’m still here every day for work.
You’re welcome, anonymous fuckstain. Let’s recap though, because you seem like you possess an extra chromosome.
You: People who live in the city are probably dumb.
Me: No need to be an asshole about where people live.
You: Lighten up...why so serious?
Why do people then feel it necessary to talk shit about how others live their life? I like the city, and I’ll never voluntarily live in the burbs. But surprisingly, I’m ok with people who prefer the burbs over the city. Crazy right? So yea...pull your head out of your ass and get over yourself.
Everywhere you live has something shit about it. NYC is a fucking spectacular place to live. Why do you think people are willing to spend so much per square foot just to live there? The NYC juice is worth the squeeze
It’s aparently not ironic at all that people who want to make the point that criticizing Israel isn’t antisemitism think criticizing Omar is anti-Islam.
“I want to talk about the political influence in this country that says it is OK for people to push for allegiance to a foreign country.”