
I understand my upbringing is in the Liberal North and I’ve been entirely surrounded by it, but the South seems just seems awful. It’s all a big contradiction between overt religious beliefs and not giving a crap about anyone. I have visited and dated people from there, but good damn it just feels like the South is

Oh, I know you’re right.

(“I’m not an angel,” she said)

I’m still waiting on that check, along with the one from George Soros.

I have a feeling that we can expect many, many more stories about Spacey sexually abusing/harassing in the near future. The statement you linked to above is one from a man who knows that his time is up.

Look, he said:

I might be out of line for talking, I’m white and didn’t trust Bernie. But through my cultural filter, his quote is a bullshit dog whistle to get racist white people to support him. I was pretty appalled when I read it, but learned a lot more about his record on race from you and commenters replying here. So thank you


Starred for the “Nope Train to Fuckthatville,” a phrase I have never heard but plan on using every 5 minutes for the rest of my life.

What I’ve always heard is that she was obsessed with Bill, and so Hillary’s always been “in the way” for Maureen. It really pissed her off when she didn’t leave him.

I’m gonna need a Nancy Meyers-directed movie about Blythe Danner and her writing desk, STAT.

Now imagine the pile of unsent Dowd burns that’s somewhere in Chappaqua.

I just wish Syria would shut up already about its goddamn deep dish pizza.

If only it were studded with billions-year old zircon crystals from Australia...

That’s a great guess given Affleck co-wrote and directed it.

It’s so fucking hot. Plus 100° Temps and at least 90% humidity. It can just make you mean and crazy. The littlest thing can make people snap.

Something to consider:

for the bes’ poke, please consider using a bespoke condom, fellas.

Video producer in DC here. It photographs well.

Bring on the Pawnee Goddesses!