
It was a fun and visually interesting movie that for me was almost undone by the unbelievably crappy acting from the leads (and Rihanna—good god). The supporting actors were great—John Goodnan, Clive Owen, Ethan Hawke, etc—but holy moly are Cars Delevigne and Dane DeHaan bad at their jobs. Fortunately most of the

Even if they have to paint the handcuffs in, the fat sack of shit gets a portrait.

This doesn’t really change anything but they would almost certainly have had to pay Oak for the full 9 weeks. He wouldn’t have lost money.

It’s exhausting. Now that I don’t feel like I have to keep those people on my team or whatever bullshit I was thinking last year, I’ve taken to just responding to that talk with “OH MY GOD JUST SHUT THE FUCK UP SHUT UP SHUT UP SHUT UP.”

It’s worked for him for 80 years, why start actually doing the right thing now?

How awful is this guy that Bannon and Priebus AGREE?!

It’s like a less eloquent last words of Dutch Schultz...

Starred for “go kick rocks.” (I’m also a fan of “go pound sand.”) But yeah that alter kacker—as my grandmother would say—needs to fuck right along and make way for people with more nuanced views of the world’s problems.  

Even a broken, alcoholic Nazi clock is right twice a day.

It also allowed his wife to pursue a career because she insisted Byrne—who was Margaret Sanger’s niece!—raise her children. Lepore did a great Fresh Air interview about it when promoting the book. Apparently the two women remained close friends and lived together for the rest of their lives, long after William Marston

Yeah I’m not going to waste my tears over people who did NOTHING in the wake of Sandy Hook. I feel bad for the bystanders and I’m glad people weren’t killed because no man is an island, etc. But I’m mostly afraid of how these animals will spin it if the shooter has any ties to the left.

I’m thinking vom Rath assassination. I would expect our Reichstag fire to at least have American production values.

I really feel like it’s the latter. (That’s not to say his associates aren’t guilty as hell.) People who know him well have apparently said that collusion Ian unlikely because he’s not good enough at paying attention.

Hip width is fine. If a person’s genitals are so swollen and painful that they can’t sit with their legs hip width apart then I hope they’re taking the subway to the doctor.

If you’re in New York City with your mom in mid-to-late June, the Oyster Bar in Grand Central Terminal has their annual herring festival. They get the first herring in the US every year.

I saw it opening night and while he was listed in the credits, he had been scrubbed from IMDb. Glad to see he’s back.

Where do you live that movies only cost $9.50?!

Oh I think that’s as likely as anything else! Backed into a corner a big, old fashioned war would be a pretty obvious move. Think about how hard all the pundits got after the Syrian missile strike.

Trump certainly seems like an “If I go down I’m taking everyone with me” kind of guy...

Exactly. An impeachment would bring the party down with them. Now, it could reach the point that a temporary blow from impeachment is the better of two bad choices for republicans. (“Bad” in terms of their political power—that’s a real “Party over Country” crowd and hasn’t been for a while.) If the alternative to