
Especially because he has a very loud, and very rabid media organization at his disposal. He could retaliate. Bigly.

Isn’t it also him copping to obstruction of justice? Like “Yeah I fired this guy because I didn’t like what he was investigating.”

His father had Alzheimer’s, too. So...

It was literally with an interview with The Economist. The man is as dumb as a box of rocks.

NH, a state of 1.3 million people, has a House of Representatives with 400 members. It’s the third largest English speaking legislative body in the world, if memory serves. Any idiot can get elected, and many idiots do. Like this guy!

New Hampshire is a DEEPLY weird place. Seriously, only go to NH if you can avoid interacting with anyone. (It’s really pretty!)

I do think there is some validity to that, though I also understand why people find the show so relevant and appealing right now. An article in the NYRB kind of nailed what my girlfriend and I found problematic about HMT. The whole review is, in my opinion, worth reading, but here’s a relevant quote:


I know it’s perhaps obvious but I suppose it bears repeating: Zizek is an ass and a blowhard of the highest order. His schtick ran thin MANY years ago and at this point I feel like he’s just braying for the attention. Because yes, dickhead, in the face of a fascist threat, you should stop the fascist from taking

Same. And it bums me out because I love Jessica Lange.

That’s not aggressive at all. They’re all either complete fucking morons, viciously evil, or some combination of the two. I cannot imagine I will ever forgive any of them.

You’ll be totally unsurprised to hear that no, he doesn’t read or comprehend all of them. There was some dustup with Bannon early on because he signed something he didn’t read and it blew up in his face. (I can’t remember which one. Several have blown up in his face.)

Isn’t he terminally ill though? I thought he had cancer. Maybe I’m mixing up my terrible people.

Sadly yes. We’re still alive.

Actually, you’re not off base. He’s claimed to have abused fentanyl. (Then in classic terrible man form, said it was all a big joke when there was a backlash.)

Man FUCK him. A multimillionaire couldn’t accommodate his poor old cat?! People who just discard their animals should jump into volcanoes.

Dare I ask what the thing with the cat is? Or do I really just not want to know?

Well I’m on the east coast and I don’t think the NK missiles reach this far so I’m gonna go with the last one if it’s not already taken.

And she wouldn’t have tried to stop refugees from Syria from entering the country.

Oh we’ve got to continue saying it. We need to make sure those people are never let off the hook.