
I can't wait til I start showing. When people start saying judgy crap, I'm just going to say, "Uh...I'm not pregnant? I guess I'm just fat. THANKS!" or "Oh I'm not pregnant. There's no way. My husband said he was on the pill."

Yeah I wondered that too. And if that's true, then that's about him respecting her preferences, which is very cool and GGG as Dan Savage would say. However, what I think would be SUPER awesome is if there was space for couples to both get to fly their freak flag. If we're gonna be equals, let's be equals. But I

You could start dropping spoilers, too. After all, they probably secretly watch all these shows online and just don't want to admit it.

I'm just gonna leave this here since racist comments are pretty much inevitable at this point. This one's for you, racists!

I like Snoopy.

I HATE the beach: you are not alone. I cannot fathom why it's everyone's favorite destination, because it is a) boring and b) miserable. My skin is sandy, sticky, sweaty, and tingly from the saltwater and/or advancing sunburn. My eyes hurt from the brightness. And the ocean stopped being fun when I stopped being a kid.

To chime in with the caveat that my fine arts education was tangential to the painters/sculptors/etc (performing arts with a technical focus here, so I had to learn some of the same skills for doing things like backdrops and what not.) My understanding is that part of the anti-photorealism sentiment is because it is

By the middle, that lion seems to be having a Lucy Van Pelt moment:

Everything in moderation, including moderation.

I'm going to be that person: this isn't a CSA. This is a grocery delivery service that includes organic and semi-local produce. I know, I know "Community Supported Agriculture" is a pretty loose term so you could argue that this qualifies. However.

Nitpick there though: "sauté" and "fry" mean two different things because sautéing and frying (or pan frying, since we've also got deep frying) are two different techniques. (Now true we could be telling people to jump or bounce their onions in the pan, but we borrowed the French term along with the technique.)

I feel like the answer could lie somewhere in the realm of the designer attempting to articulate the crucial item needed to complete the outfit in an abstract sense. Like, if you said "Hand me that pair of pants," you use 'pants' because it's a thing that you need; if you said "This dress would pair wonderfully with a

i had 4 babies in 6 years and we had so. much. baby stuff. it was a little ridiculous. i'd suggest a bouncy seat OR a swing, a playpen OR a bassinet, and an infant carrier carseat (if you have a peaceful baby, you might not need either the swing or bouncy seat, the carrier will be fine. it even works for feeding, once

Let's face it, Parks and Rec won't be on TV forever. So what should Retta’s next vehicle be?