
That’s awesome that you will have family help either way. My in-laws suddenly annoyed me a lot less when they started taking my son for sleepovers. ;)

If kids are part of the plan, would that large family of your husband’s be up for helping out? And, if so, do you have a comparable network where you are now? That can make a big difference to your quality of life and pocketbook when you have young kids. Plus, also, it’s nice for kids to be around extended family. :)

God forbid you should have to play your role as a parent and actually teach your child about tough social issues that our country faces. FFS

Thanks for this. I’m a musician and I love This is Spinal Tap, although the type of music I’m involved with wasn’t the target there.

I feel like it’s always done with love, so it’s not insulting to the characters. I’d be interested to know if people involved in one of these subcultures feel insulted or laugh alone.

This is amazing and I cannot wait. Also, I just watched the trailer, laughing, and my four-year-old came up next to me and said “Why is that funny?” Um...

Someone I am sort of friendly with started selling fancy handmade soap and I bought a bunch from her, justifying it by saying that it is good to support someone trying to start a small, local business. Now I have all this fancy soap and it is awesome. :)

I have the same problem with Method. What is up with that stuff?

You’re right, I am speaking from my limited experience adjuncting at large universities. I’ve been around those types of places my entire career so I forget things can be really different elsewhere.

I don’t think it’s that strange. Grad students feel as though they are part of the institution, they feel some ownership of it, and they are often geographically in one place so they can meet, convince their peers to get on board, and make plans. Adjuncts are rarely physically on campus, probably don’t very many other

I read the headline and first sentence and just noped right out of there.

How dare your parents have the gall to die before buying you an apartment! ;)

The thing that gets me about this is that we don’t have to go after Trump’s spouse with unproven stories if we want to show his hypocrisy. Hasn’t he bragged about abusing visa programs to hire foreign workers? He’s all “make America great again” and meanwhile his clothing line makes their stuff abroad. He’s bad enough

I read this article from the NY Times on this topic. It mentions an editorial from Scientific American that pointed out that atypically high levels of testosterone in men aren’t considered an issue, as long as they are naturally occurring. If it is ok for a male athlete to have unusually high levels, why is the same

Yeah, honestly, it’s hard to be mad because my mother and MIL have careers doing amazing things they love (and let’s face it, we’re talking mostly about grandmothers here, not grandfathers). Their mothers (and even more so their grandmothers) didn’t have as much opportunity. Why would these women be leaving the

I know what you mean, but it sounds like it had meaning for both of them so I’m just going to enjoy hearing about people being good to relative strangers.

I think the best line from that article was this one:

They like to copy what they see adults doing. My sons like to “cook,” push dolls in strollers, and pretend to talk on the phone. I’m sure it’ll just be a phase, unless her parents are raising her to be a 1950s-era housewife. :)

Totally agree. When we moved into our current place we were expecting our first kid. I wanted an open plan so I could keep an eye on him from wherever. Now that we have the kids, I want someplace to get away from them and their stuff. We’re about to start a renovation of a place with separate rooms, and doors! I don’t

Oh, no! What have you just done to me?! I’m never going to get anything done ever again!