Yay, keepin’ it in the family!
Yay, keepin’ it in the family!
I should have used the term “counter-steering” in order to be technically correct, but the term “opposite lock” is used these days as a generic term to describe any amount of steering input opposite to the direction the vehicle is rotated. Hence people saying things like, “feed in some opposite lock,” since opposite…
Heh. Yeah I put it in quotes because they aren’t really car people at all, lol
The amount of lock he applied compared to what he needed was WAY too little at the moment it was needed. Most people simply do not understand how quickly you need to apply oppo, and how much is needed. You need to keep the front tires pointed forward at all times. People (as in this example) tend to let the car get…
It’s like he has no idea what opposite lock is, or how to use it. I wouldn’t be surprised if most of that oppo was just from the steering forces induced by the slide, rather than by him knowing what to do. Way too little, way too late.
Related: I think I hate these people more than the driver of the car. These are the…
Hell, why not give cars within 1 second a “constant” advantage? If a car is within 1 second of their leader, they should be allowed to run an alternate aero configuration that gives a [perhaps slightly lower] drag reduction on straights, and higher downforce in the corners...? Or maybe that’s a dumb idea.
I’m not going to pretend that one side is squeaky clean in this argument. I also will fully disclose that I love Amazon, have no problem paying for Amazon prime, etc...
Having said that, Amazon can fuck off with this specific war. It’s 99% THEM being assholes to Google. This is like Net Neutrality for AI. I decided to…
You know, I’m not usually “that guy” but this article pisses me off. The author really needs to consider that he has SOME responsibility for not writing a title/article which will mislead, and basically misinform almost everyone who glances at it, and most people who don’t read to the second-to-last paragraph. This…
On the bright side, at least it looks like Ford fixed the bent frame issue :P
(yes, I know this isn’t actually a Raptor underneath, lol)
I have to agree with this statement. People who blind everyone else so that they can see, because they are too lazy/incompetent to fix their own cars should have their licences suspended. It’s such an “I only care about me” thing to do.
Where did it go?
Sounds more like the previous owner of your Prelude had no idea what they were doing, rather than a case of towing automatically being something detrimental to the vehicle.
My tow hitch screws into the rear tow hook points, and can be installed/removed in literally 60 seconds without any adverse effects to the car. The…
That was my issue to begin with. Wound up renting a 5x10' storage unit nearby, which turned out to be a fantastic place to not only store the trailer, but my spare tires and other parts, and a great place to go and actually WORK on the car.
Now we have a townhouse, and the trailer JUST BARELY fits behind my car.
Thanks! She does a’ight! I wish the town paid me for my services.
I can’t wait to be rich and have a supercar. I will blow people’s minds. I already get silly looks with all the goofy stuff I do with my BRZ. People think sports cars are like dainty little flowers that can’t do any work at all :P
My favorite Wi-Fi network name was “2 Girls 1 Router” owned by the two girls in the apartment adjacent to ours back in college, lol.
At this point, what I want more than ANYTHING else is the ability to define your own Hotword. I get Google wants everyone to use their name, but c’mon...
I’m struggling to see the “lifted wagon” thing. It’s MASSIVE. It’s nowhere close to a lifted wagon. In fact, even the Outback hasn’t been a lifted wagon since 2009. My old Outback was a proper lifted wagon.
Computer glitch causes potentially HUGE issue for company. Company attempts to remedy situation. Union does everything possible to “protect their workforce” and makes it nearly impossible to resolve the problem in anywhere near a timely or acceptable manner.
Sounds par for the course. I do understand the purpose of…
Ah. So are we going to retire the SUV term once all SUVs convert over to ubibody? Seems like an inevitability.