
I've tried that cup-of-water in the microwave, and it has never worked for me.

It's my understanding that the closed loop systems use a liquid that is not conductive so even if it leaks while the power is on - no blow up.

That was fast - Amazon's moving it away from my cart, seller no longer has any quantity left. Any chance I could secure the price though?

That was fast - Amazon's moving it away from my cart, seller no longer has any quantity left. Any chance I could

Bye bye.

to quote you, "Geez, seriously? You just made me regret engaging you at all."

Nope. I get it completely, and it was an issue that could gave been easily handled legislatively. No need to to make it a regulated utility. If that were also the goal, the document would be 30 pages, at most. Not 300 and some.

Well, isn't this a quick change of direction. This article from the same people that had been ignorantly been pushing so hard for the Net Neutrality bill!

The government is not, and never will be, your friend. It's raison d'etre is to self perpetuate and empire build leading to higher headcounts and bigger budgets. You can't reform government by pruning back numbers or cutting budgets as they just regrow like kudzu. You need to wall off whole areas of public life as

I think this is better than any rule. With systems like Taleo, Glassdoor, LinkedIn, and all, applying to jobs is as easy as a click of a button. The cost of your time is nothing compared to any opportunity to get the job. Don't disqualify yourself, there are people to do that. You might not be qualified, and they'll

I believe this podcast… talks about that some of the requirements on job listings are fluff added by the HR department. If you feel you can do the job still apply. The worst anybody can say is no.

This article really needs those spambots that make the posts "I make $4,376 by using Google [blah blah blah]".

I agree. Maybe it is a guy thing. I would have gone with stain or bare wood.

I clean mine approximately...

My new boss makes "air quotes" at least three times during every conversation. So far I've resisted the urge to kill her.

I've looked at EL wire for making my bike stand out at night, but I ended up going the simple route and bought some 3M Stealth Reflective tape. It's black and hardly noticeable on a dark bike, but when headlights for cars hit it at night it reflects white light brilliantly. That with a front facing light and red LED

Wear these after eating all those made from ice cream cakes and sweet breads in an earlier post.

Does a reverse method exist that turns other food into ice-cream?

Here is the real issue with grades for people in majors like engineering. Ever hear people in college about that one really hard class they are taking this semester that is killing them (like Biology)? Remember when that was you?

It's also worth asking if the boss knew RF was interested in the promotion; the question isn't explicit. If an opening appears and you want to be considered, you should make sure the decision-makers know of your interest.