
DaveHax deserves a MacArthur Genius Grant for this.

And you may ask yourself
How do I work this?
And you may ask yourself
Where is that large automobile?
And you may tell yourself
This is not my beautiful house!
And you may tell yourself
This is not my beautiful wife!

I absolutely disagree.

Yes I am. Been doing it for about a decade now. It's hard to explain "how" I'm doing it without coming across as making assumptions about people who aren't, such as, "I don't buy stuff I can't afford." Easy to say, but that simply may not be the case for others as many people's needful expenses change based on varying

Yay! We did it everyone. Let’s go home and have some waffle iron pizza. *high five*

I have ordered pizza with the express goal of making waffle iron pizza in the morning.

Yes. That's what most merchants do. Pre-auth the $1 just to make sure the card is valid. The problem with that is that when they settle the cards during closing, you may not have the rest of the money to cover it. Then the cc company has to hunt down the deadbeat to try and get their money back. Probably why Amex

Same here (New England area). I see the $1 pending for a couple days and then the real charge goes in. Interestingly when restaurants go through, it just shows the pre-tip charge as pending (instead of blocking off more), and then it updates to the full amount afterwards.

Already had a Joker and Babs comic cover that did same things with this you silly fools.

1. When your significant other gets rich.

Is this worthy of Lifehacker?

Obama: "Keep it about the work"

Couldn't you have found a better example than this lying bastard?

When this clown finds actual success, please write about it. You'll get a Pulitzer, or maybe even a Nobel (I hear they are really hard to get).

And remember, you didn't build that.

Playing the race card doesn't hurt, either. :)

While cleanliness is a great tool towards selling your car, a too clean engine bay tends to make people suspicious that perhaps there's a leak of some sort that you're trying to mask.

I remember the Pizzazz. We had some fun with it during the old college days.
