
You’re a feisty Canadian.

Growing up sucks.

This wins lifehacker!

I'm not cool enough to have an AMEX.

That could be, I have a credit card and a debit card that could also be used as a credit card. I see the same amount using both.

You overdraft, and get hit with hefty fees/fines (or if you have overdraft protection, your credit card is used to cover remaining.)

around my area, gas stations generally precharge $1 as a method of making sure the payment goes through.

Great article! These truly are life lessons that can be applied to many aspects of life, from fitness to starting a family. Many great points brought out in this article.

And remember, you didn't build that.

worse thing a public restroom can have is a hand blow dryer and a door you have to open by hand. Making it so you just wash your hands and now have to reach for a handle that many people before you have also had to touch who may or may not have washed their hands.

What you just told me is you dont trust the government or the ISPs but you trust the one that is truly a monopoly?

This will be the last time I engage with you, you quite frankly have shown that you have the thought process of a third grader. "you're talking out of your ass with no actual facts to back up a think you've said."

clearly you carry yourself with a great deal of ignorance.

You obviously have a bias as you did not even read what i wrote if you think that all I was stating was "I haven't read the bill so therefore it must be bad"

First off ISPs do not have control of the internet, they have control over their access. Title II however does give the FCC control of the internet in the United States as they now have the ability to regulate how ISPs communicate.

Strangely enough this was not spoken about much on the sites like Gizmodo that offered a severely biased view of net neutrality. Chairman Wheeler refused to allow the public to view the proposed regulation prior to vote. Several requests were sent and even by others on the committee to allow the public to view the

Why is it common for everyone who supports this "net neutrality" to believe that those of us with common sense and opposed to allowing closed door deals to happen are in favor of just maintaining the status quo?

You are in all honesty in favor of regulations being made behind closed doors and hidden from the public?

Presto Pizzazz!

for someone who doesn't want to "engage" me, you sure do take awhile to say goodbye.