
I always wondered why there isn't a lot of aspiring photographers... and now I know why. Geez, take a chill pill. It's America, you're free to do it any way you want it for better or worse.

You're a real prick bud. Good luck with that, I'm glad you feel so damned good about how well you hold a camera. What a hero.

that's what I do. I don't eat it with the water. Okay...maybe a smidge of water at the bottom to keep it moist and get the flavor packet mixed.

Excuse me but you are such an idiot and a bully man, just because we don't understand how to "correctly" hold a camera, you've no right to call a goddamn anything to anyone. You should be more professional about it, and instead of goddamming other people, just give positive feedback and teach us something from your

Does anyone else see the irony in sourcing laser-cut wood pieces to build your laser cutter?

I feel like this has a lot of potential for those of us planning to fake our death.

Sorry, but this is stupid. I don't "not close" tabs because I'm too lazy and need a program to do it for me. I leave them open because I still need them as a reminder or to do list. So if that tool closes the least recently used tab there's the danger it's also the least well remembered point on my to do list.

I tend to look at these things as things that are cool to do rather than exactly practical. I'd potentially pair this up with plans to build a hidden lab in my basement whereby I can open the bluetooth locked hidden door disguised as a book case attached to it, and get into my secret hideout! mwahahahahaha

Love this idea... But it doesn't come across as cost effective AND challenging. What would this run?

What Over-the-River said — yeah, me too, and the Primidone doesn't always work very well.
For others dissing the guy: Some Of Us were once photojournalists for the Coast Guard, and we know perfectly well the "professional" camera holding technique, but it doesn't make any difference because Some Of Us now have ET

I am one armed so will be making one of these at the weekend - I'm sure in a ideal world your technique would work for everyone but it's not an Ideal world and further more there is no need to deride someone for being amateur. Being an amateur is not a bad thing!

good thing your so awesome at everything!!!

All photographers start out as amateurs. Why the sneering bile? Who pissed in your cornflakes this morning?

Every tool doesn't have ONE correct way to hold it, bub. There are many way to hold a camera, and the correct way is the one that enables you to take the picture you want.

Amazing. I have never, ever, seen plywood that flat and without voids from Home Depot. As for the "nice" Home Depot guy who made the big cuts, last time I had a sheet of oak veneer pre-cut at Home Depot the employee managed to jam the panel saw so hard it splintered the veneer 3" from the cut and his cut was off by

Not a sponsored comment here or anything, but I do remember watching a test video from a guy that had the same or a similar condition saying how the Olympus OM-D E-M5 basically enabled him to start shooting photos and videos due to it's 5-axis image stabilization system... might be interesting for you to take a look

From the main menu, simply navigate to Windows > Single-Window Mode.

Here is my take on a printer friendly version of the cheat sheet.

I shot competitive rifle and pistol for several years, and the breathing and 'trigger' discipline from that training does help enormously with photography.