
I'm just going of of facts, much more than I can say for you. I understand you dug yourself into a hole talking about something you clearly do not understand and you realize how deep you are without a way out.

not all regulation is the same, you are correct. Some is done for safety, some is done for protection, some is for compliance with other systems, and some is for control. The worst is when they disguise the control as one of the others.

understood, you ran out of talking points and feel like a fool now.

You really are small minded. You tell me that regulations don't mean control... I provide you the very definition of regulation and you still can't understand. (Hint: even definition 1 means to control)

to quote you, "Geez, seriously? You just made me regret engaging you at all."


do you think there is no money on the side in favor of these regulations?

You wanted a serious debate? Your previous posts say otherwise.

Yes we did.

This could also cause you illness or impede recovery. The power of your mind over your body is astounding.

whether you call it mind over matter, prayer, meditation, or whatever the current trend is. Your thoughts and attitude can make a substantial difference on your health.

I guess you missed the part of the comments where it was mentioned how Gizmodo has had a strong bias in favor of net neutrality (a government regulation under this administration) but has now released an article critical of regulatory legislation that has now revealed a mess.

Please try to keep up. Your ignorance is

No, what you stated is what is in the press releases of FCCs passing of net neutrality. The rainbows and butterflys to give you the warm and fuzzies that they are the knights in shining armor. This does not address the regulations that chairman Wheeler refused to release to public prior to the vote.

Same could be said to you.

when to apply for a job?

the cable company guy showed me this awhile back. He probably wasn't supposed to but it helps me out. Especially since im also the default goto when any of my family members also have problems with their cable connection.

this looks like a handy cart to have in a workshop, keep the tools orderly and easy to put away.

SalientEye is a motion detection security camera.

Can use it on an old phone and set it up in a location, then sends you an email when someone(or thing) moves in the frame.

exactly, some classes it seemed that their entire objective was to teach you how to fail. I do not remember ever having an 'easy' semester in college.

P.S. I would love to see this 'data' on this test that compared every different technique, style, and conditions to determine that there is only one universally 'best' way to hold a camera. Afterall you want to talk about science, you must have used the scientific method to obtain such conclusion.

Are you aware of what a straw man attack is? You just presented a pretty good example of one.

This is my last reply, I am not going to continue going in circles with you. I can tell you are getting frustrated due to someone questioning what you have been told and have accepted unquestionably. There is often more than