
I'm not sure what part of "There is often more than one way to meet objectives within the constraints of the physical world." you did not get.

Or rather the entire conversation for that matter. To say that there is only one 'correct' way to do something is asinine and a rather narrow minded way to view the physical

Exactly what i was going to say. A manager generally does not want to put someone in a higher level position if they dont think they are interested. It would be a waste of time for the manager, the company, and the uninterested person. Don't sit on the sidelines hoping to be recognized for a promotion. If you know a

I understand the principle of why people are taught to hold the camera in a particular manner, however that in no way makes it the only 'correct' way to do it. Likewise it does not make any other method incorrect.
As the old saying goes, there is more than one way to skin a cat. There is often more than one way to meet

You ever wonder why people do things the way that works for them? because it is the way that works for them.

People are different, people are also creative and some even show a great deal of ingenuity when left to solve problems for themselves. Sure there can often be more efficient ways and there are ways that are

Not bad for a simple project, it may be functional but i wouldn't stop here. As with anything you build from an original idea, versions 2, 3, ... will almost always look better than the prototype.

Plexiglass case can look nice, but i would probably try to clean up the wiring instead of leaving it hanging all over the

I like ramen noodles, not ramen soup.

Welcome to the internet, there are time stamps on the posts. You are welcome to to review them for yourself. At the time of my original post in response there was not any constructive criticism offered.

I can not believe you have made it this far in life to come to the conclusion that there is only one viable method to

Being pompous and telling someone there is only one way to do something and just openly stating their wrong without explanation is certainly not going to 'help others understand'.

If you or the op was to open with a general guideline to the technique you use instead of a useless criticism, i would not have to write

Welcome to lifehacker, a blog largely dedicated to doing things with a different technique.

Funny that you mentioned holding a gun, if you scroll down you will see i even mentioned my rifle in a response.

People, contrary to what many believe, are capable of doing things differently to obtain the same objective. I see this as being one of the greatest attributes of the human race, every once in awhile

Yeah actually there isn't. There may be a way that is commonly taught, but it is in no way the only way to "correctly hold a camera". Especially when there are many different types and models of cameras and in a field that is largely to be considered art. I'm sure you wouldnt have corrected Robert Capa or the like on

Because there is clearly only one way to hold a camera, and any other way is wrong... Preference, personal comfort, and/or trial and error on technique is clearly to be looked down upon.

I just found something interesting, on my tv through the app it shows additional cost on the season overview description but i just checked the individual episodes and they are included. Very confusing set up they have.

you fooled me, i just looked it up, animaniacs is not included in prime, at least for me its showing it is additional cost.

Why was i not informed that animaniacs was on prime streaming, i am now upset that amazon did not inform me of this.

Its time for animaniacs

There seems to be a decent amount of negative reaction to this (understandable), sounding a lot like when Netflix was going to split its DVD rental and streaming into two different subscriptions and hiking the price.
We will just have to wait to find out if Amazon does anything in attempts to appease the many people

Anyone have an extra $200 laying around they want to donate to my new router and modem fund?

Do you find it hard to believe that some people like to live their life healthier rather than put their faith in a magic pill? I know as a society we are bombarded with advertisements that tell us stuff such as a magic pill is going to cure all your ailments and get you an attractive lover.
Sure you can take a pill, it

Learn to use pseudonyms when signing up for forums and accounts you don't want linked to your true identity.

Hint: my real name is not Stan.

It doesn't take an engineer to say it, and likewise something being said by an engineer does not give it automatic credibility. As much as some will likely disagree, engineers are not super human god-like beings, they tend to be very biologically normal people (with some exceptions of course). I have heard some very