
I knew this would be a top response to this. Genuine question.... it seems likely that the police consider the rapists to be the primary problem, not women making themselves vulnerable. Do you really think they should just tell women at UCSB to just go about their business as usual, so as not to blame the victim? Is

I mean, I'm all for railing against victim blaming. . . but in the short term, I think it's solid advice to reinforce to folks to be hyper-aware of their safety. Sure, long term (and starting IMMEDIATELY) the school needs to devise a real plan for stopping the actual causes of these types of attacks. . . but in the

This article sums up why, as a female Army officer and a feminist, I get so frustrated with Jezebel's military coverage. Do you have any staff members who have actually served? Would you consider hiring one? Because right now it seems to be impossible for you to write about female service members without insulting

Jezebel, you ARE the media. You posted this story, and even if Lindy put a disclaimer saying it may be false, you still posted this and ran it as it were fact. And you and Gawker have done this before with other stories that turned out to be hoaxes. Try doing some research before you post a story that turns out to be

Truly she is upholding the Airman's Creed: "I will never leave an Airman behind". I don't see how this picture could possibly be interpreted as disrespecting that legacy.

How about neither?

I don't see the problem here. Really. Which isn't to say I'm not sympathetic with the woman featured in the story, or the unique problems she faces as a trans woman. But ultimately, she represented herself as something she was not, and her status as a trans woman became a necessary part of the reportage as a

I can't believe you're still trying to make this happen.


Greyhounds actually aren't born with enough fur for cold climates. They don't have an undercoat like other breeds and also have very little body fat to insulate themselves, thus requiring a jacket etc. when let out in cold weather. The general rule for greyhounds is that if its cold enough that you are wearing a

Well, firstly, lets not pretend like IDF snipers are world renowned. Anyone who has ever served in a MNF knows that for everything amazing the IDF has, its Urban Sniper Program is subpar. Don't take my word for it, check Jane's Intelligence Review.

I don't really see what the problem is. If physical strength is a necessary requirement for a job, and I would imagine being a marine is one of those jobs, then set a standard and stick with it. I don't see how we benefit by watering down standards and in this case it's clear that while not all women can pass the

So much this. Originally - I agreed with Showden's decision to do this as frankly, it was largely disturbing the amount of... room they had to do whatever they want. But at this point, This just seems like good old fashion twisting the knife in the wound.

Spy agencies spy! Spy agencies all over the globe have been intercepting and planting bugs on electronic devices of suspected enemy spies, terrorists, criminals, etc. for decades.

Targeted and warranted individuals or groups suspected of terrorist activity?

I don't see any evidence in these articles that this is being used illegally (i.e. against US Citizens). this is standard state espionage tactics used by several nations. Journalistic sensationalism.

Uh, sorry Doug but you've been scooped by your own coworker:

Basically: Shinseki saw how the Rangers and Special Forces wore their berets with pride (black and green, respectively).

I swear to God, every time some public-educated, historically-challenged, mental-midget leftist comments about how we should abandon our constitutional responsibility to "provide for the common defense" in exchange for giving away endlessly printed money to "the poor," I throw up a little. Fucking internet, as great