
I don't really disagree with any of that, since it all just amounts to be nice to people and treat them equally — stuff everyone agrees with, but many struggle to do in their day-to-day lives. But any man who needs Jezebel or NY magazine to tell them how to be a man should throw himself off a cliff.

curiously, no word yet on why there were apparently no "good guys with guns" at a Naval yard

You are wrong and you should feel bad about it. No AR 15 was used, so maybe sprees can take place without "assault weapons". SHHHHHHOOOOCCCCKKKIIINNNNGGGG

The strange part? That ball was PERFECTLY still to Eric Reid.

The sad part in all of this is that by penning her opinions in this fashion, she's validating an awful lot of pre-conceptions most folks have of bar culture.

Yes, there are an awful lot of guys who hit up bars just to get laid.

As a single man, I wasn't one of them; as an engaged man, I only go to bars with my fiancee

And what's your solution? Seriously.

That would only be true if the perpetrators were the political powers.

It's a lot like U.S. slave owners being so adamantly against slaves learning to read, or Whites in the 60's being completely against desegregation. With the knowledge comes the words to articulate why their particular situation is inherently wrong and unfair. Those words create a call to action, which leads to

So they don't fear educating women, they just fear that they will lose control of them if they were to become educated and not ruling them with an iron Islamic fist? How is that different? Everything you just said supported the idea that they fear educating women.