
I took it as a way to curb looting. It's a tough situation, and I think as long as the Ferguson PD isn't in charge, it's a good call.

If i lived in ferguson id be happy about the curfew. Id still be outraged about the murder of michael brown, but im not sure what this chaos is achieving except for distracting us from true justice

At this point, you're really just trying to find things to bitch about. Seriously. I sure hope she doesn't have any of these items in her future videos otherwise we'll have to read another article like this... chicken, chevy impalas, lowriders, 40's, wife beaters, people with larger-than-average asses, people who pout

it needs to stop

Thank god Twitter doesn't allow people to post made-up shit. So glad we invented that technology.

She's fucking someone else, bro.

If this guy wanted to get really anal, he'd probably be turned down for that too.

The author responded to my post, defending her initial article as completely balanced. She then dismissed my response when it got more upvotes than hers (or so I'm told; I don't really know how this stuff works). I have pasted my response below so people can see it:

"Because slander is not a thing." No one can harbor a hatred of someone and realize that saying something false about them would, provided they were not discovered, result in positive attention toward themselves and negative attention toward the other party. Absolutely not reason exists to lie about anything. You are

The first rule of Jezebel is "Never admit you were wrong." The second rule of Jezebel is "Never even realize you were wrong."

Not to defend the MRA clusterfuckbrains on the other article, but Jezebel did say (in their original reporting on the article):

Especially when that article claimed: "Why would she want to hurt Oberst? And why would someone lie about being sexually assaulted? What could be gained from that? Nothing, really."

Keep them in storage, but a storage unit no more than 3 miles away. If your getting robbed, call the police and drive to your storage unit. You should get back home before the police arrive and can apprehend the robbers and hold them for a couple minutes until the police get there.

Most of these stories turn out to be fake. The gay lad from blackpool who was beaten up for being gay, was even mentioned on George Takei twitter.. yeah he admitted he faked it. The gay server who got a homophobic tip.. yeah she faked it. These are just two that spring to mind from recent news.

How can you be so sure that he's a sex offender? The only reason this deal was considered is due to the fact that the alleged victim very likely lied under oath.

And, sometimes, just because you're a victim doesn't been you've been absolved from all responsibility.

It's a physics joke, not a racist joke! OH MY GOD, THE SCIENCE LITERACY IN THIS COUNTRY!

Maybe I have horrible taste. But I absolutely love this movie, I just finished watching it last night so that I can go see part 2 on friday. But maybe I have horrible taste, since I loved man of steel and watchmen. I even thought sucker punch was decent for was it was and was trying to do.

And what, other than your personal tatse, are you using as a metric? Gotham Knights went over pretty well. The Highlander Anime was pretty popular amongst fans of the series, and is scored pretty highly amongst Netflix and IMDB viewers.

All your reasons for disliking Batman: Gotham Knight are all the reasons I loved it.