
Hey now, it sounds like you're calling for restraint and actual evidence here. That just doesn't fly on Gawker media, restraint is anthem as far as the commentari are concerned. Anybody charged with a crime is clearly guilty of it are they would never have been charged. Unless they can be considered disadvantaged

Really? I mean Jezebel has such a great track record with these kinds of stories.

And yet our gun banning cousins the UK and Austrilia both have a higher violent crime rate then we do here in America. And if you compare the number of major population centers- where the majority of violent crime takes place- of the above countries the UK's sails above that of the US.

You are of course asking for nuance and self reflection from a publication that notoriously responds to criticism by doubling down on whatever they were doing in the first. Like the whole Lena Dunham debacle.

Yeah you're completely right. Flying is a completely inalienable right that's comparable to health care and education, if not more important. It's not like flying is some kind of business where the companies are in it to make a profit or anything. They should be catering to your specific needs and wants at the

It is, which is why they usually calculate how much fuel they need and only fill it up to that point. If you take to much fuel you're basically wasting it because you have that much more weight to use.

It's not just a size issue though, it's a weight issue too. Weight costs fuel, the more weight you have the more fuel you use. Airlines aren't just charging people for an extra seat when they don't fit, they're making them pay for the fuel too. Which kind of makes sense.

Not really, you still have to meet the minimums in all categories. So if you max out the score for two events it doesn't matter if you fail the third event.

I'm going to go ahead and back this opinion up, all the guys in my battalion's sniper section aren't what'd I'd describe as small. They're not necessarily bigger then your line company doorkicker types, but compared to your average person they're bigger.

Care to elaborate?

And these aren't just NSA devices. I know for a fact that a variety of US SOF units use these devices to track targets. I don't think they'll be truly useless- I'm not sure how easy it will be to counter them- but at any rate I don't think publishing them is helpful either. Can we all agree Snowden is far from the

Or god forbid she may have actually taken the opportunity to talk to a guy she might have found interesting. Nope, that couldn't be it, after that line he gave she just had to go with him. I've always found it really interesting that a website that is all about women's choice and agency pretends that women don't

You should probably tell the Wounded Warriors they're being offensive then. Because straight from their homepage.

A lot of his stuff is sold in really limited runs. Especially the SOF community stuff. It all looks great though and he's probably one of the most well known artists.

A. Yes most "war" movies focus on combat and the characters directly involved in combat. That is what tends to make them "war" movies. Sure you can shift the focus elsewhere, but that tends to break up the flow of the movie.

>I guarantee that unless it is about Spartan warriors or a monastery, there were women there.

Actual statistic that reflect gun violence in the US? I am sorry my fellow poster, but this discussion is not for you. We're here to imply that guns will kill all the people, facts be damned.

I'm pretty sure half of the articles on Gawker Media have been scooped by a sister site at one point on another. But yes this is especially erroneous as it is Jezebel scooping itself.

Really? I was unaware that women were already rolling en masse with the Infantry kicking in doors and shooting guys in the face. No wait, that hasn't happened yet. So I assume you're going off the line of "Well women are already in combat".

I'm going to hit on a very specific point that was brought up in the article.