
I haven't heard it confirmed yet, but the current scuttle is that he brought it in through his car. It is confirmed that he had his own CAC card, so he would have been able to access the area without having his car searched. While I haven't been to the Navy Yard before, if it works like any other military

So you're with the ends justify the means crowd I take it then?

Hey Erin, I know it's the cool thing to try and fear monger as much as possible when it comes to firearms. And nothing is scarier then that big black assault weapon known as the AR-15 (or the baby killer 2015 as it's known by real professionals); but Alexis did not have an AR at the time of his shooting. That's a

I've always wondered about this, but what kind of resloution do you need for your photos if you're going to have them printed? Is there a site where they recommend different resolutions for different sizes?

Don't forget their other main demographic, the military. But given the drastic cuts and the way the VA loves to neglect vets they won't be around for much longer either. Actually they'll probably be around for less time then the old people.

Oh hey, you want to talk about a history of violence? How about Martin being suspended from school for fighting? How about Martin sending texts to his friends about getting in fights? Or the texts where he asking about trying to aquire a firearm?

So tell me which part of Zimmerman's actions we should make illegal?

Reread my post and tell me where I said Martin was morally right. I haven't he's legally right, and made some stupid desicions.

Again, you're not legally obligated to follow a police dispatchers orders. They're civilians that have no legal authority.

Like I said, go for it. Tough you ma want more then a bloody nose. And you might want a good defense attorney. Why not O'Mara and West?

Oh I know I sound smug, but I at least put something in my post to back up my smugness.'

The problem is, that somebody following you isn't an excuse to start a physicl confrontation. Like I've said it was stupid, and probably racist for Zimmerman to follow Martin. But legally there was nothing wrong with that. Being followed definately made Martin feel uncomfortable, but feeling uncomfortable is no

Yeah sure, if you think you can incite a fight with somebody, then get yourself beaten badly enough to fear for your life, then kill the person, all without there being any witnessess around to contradict your version of events; you go for it.

Oh, I take issue with it. I think it was stupid, there was a good chance it was racist, but at no point was it illegal. The fact is that nothing Zimmerman did was illegal. You are under no obligation to follow a dispatcher's request. They're a not police officers and have no legal standing to give orders. Again,

Actually the testimony was that there was no DNA evidence found under his fingernails. But due to the wet weather conditions, and the fact that they only took a single swab of Martin's fingernails as opposed to multiple swabs it's ont entirely unreasonable to conclude there would be no DNA evidence under found under

If you have evidence Zimmerman started the fight, you probably should have sent that to the prosecution, they really could've used that evidence. Because not being able to prove that Zimmerman started the fight was really damaging to their case.

Except he didn't just feel "scared". He was brutally beaten to the point where he fairly realisticlly feared for his life. Guess what, if somebody is beating you to death you should have the ability to defend yourself, which is what George Zimmerman did.

Feel free to insert whatever adjective you want in for “man”, or go with a gender neutral “suck it the fuck up”, it doesn’t really matter to me. It’s the concept behind the idea of “manning up” that matters, the ability to keep going when all you want to do is stop. That’s the important part.

As much as it is a social construction that is constantly evolving and changing, I think we can look back through history and find a few core tenants of what makes a man a man for lack of a better phrase. Things like strength, nobility, even headedness, courage, ect. I think these have always been core traits of

It's not about being in opositon of feminimity. It's about making the passage from cchildhood into adulthood and taking on the responsiblity of being a man.