
Modern masculinity as described by the media? Or modern masculinity as what it actually is?

What you described really as masculinity isn't really masculinity though; it's at best a poorly misunderstood perversion of what masculinity is.

This, I go to my local bar to indulge my latent alcoholism thank you very much.

Haha, oh man, haha, hehe. This is so dumb it's funny. I'm not sure whether I should laugh at the idea that porn causes rape or that they'll be able to actually enforce this standard. I'd be mar about congress once again sticking it's nose where it doesn't belong, but this is the most benign thing they've done in a

First off here's your list of special operations units:

Your opinions (and my god are they ever just opinions) are so flat out wrong I'm not sure where to start. No wait, I've got the perfect place, from the top:

First up is your idea that physical ability somehow doesn't factor into the fight anymore. Because you know as it turns out getting offset 8k from you target

Well, you're assuming they're going to wait for that to happen.<i>Under the schedules military leaders delivered to Hagel, the Army will develop standards by July 2015 to allow women to train and potentially serve as Rangers, and qualified women could begin training as Navy SEALS by March 2016 if senior leaders

Oh I read the article, I also read Hagel's own remarks where special operations units will "develop standards" to allow women into special operations; which in layman's terms means they're going to lower the standards.

We should also all live in castles, never want for food or water, and live happy lives.

Please don't let your judgement of service members be colored solely by those who come in asking for discounts like they deserve it.

Listen up fucktard, I'm not even going to pretend to play nice in this post because your head is obviously crammed so far up your ass only the loudest and strongest of words are going to reach your ears.

I'm not. I don't really identify with any group when it comes to gender relations.

Just because I'm not an MRA doesnt mean I can't sympathize and see things from their point of view.

I thought the purpose of the comments section was to talk about the article at hand and continue the discussion it started. As it is a good half of the comments seem to have skipped that and gone straight to discussing how MRAs are just the worst.

I'm not an MRA. But if I was, you know what would totally make me want to join with the feminist movement?

Yeah instead of promoting people based off merit and leadership ability we should promote them based off their genitals.

It's not just that the fear the education of women though, again it's an over simplification to state that. They fear loosing their power, which women receiving an education feeds into, but is not the sole threat to their power. It feeds into a larger system of control that they are using to maintain their own

I'd call the Taliban and local tribal leaders allied with them political powers. I'd be highly surprised to find that the perpetrators behind these attacks were not motivated by the aforementioned, if not directly tied to them. At any rate I'd call it more likely then a single lone non political actor doing so

Not so much stupid as they are selfish. Well technically speaking the poisoners themselves are probably fairly uneducated, but those who inspire them to action aren't at any rate.

Not to excuse what they did, or why they did it.