You could use the title “Fuck You, Ted Cruz” for a different article ever day. He produces a mountain fuckwittery.
You could use the title “Fuck You, Ted Cruz” for a different article ever day. He produces a mountain fuckwittery.
Yea, he used to toss out the word libertarian on occasion. But, by his actions of the last few years, he’s just another bigoted republican.
I found him occasionally funny but his humor was often mean spirited. He often made jokes at the expense of his guests rather than engaging with them. It got to me enough that I couldn’t watch. I found Jay Leno almost as bad. Conan is often creepy. Many of the current batch might be as bad but I have <20 minutes of…
In unrelated news, South Korea has one of the lowest birth rates in the world.
Yea, I think Obama’s biggest mistake is that his campaign created a huge amount of grassroots support but then proceeded to ignore those people and take only small, centrist steps. The resulting lack of enthusiasm made him no longer control both houses of congresses which hamstrung him for the rest of his tenure.
Ok, we can all agree that Epstein is an idiot who doesn’t deserver further attention. But a newspaper that is willing to publish trash and other questionable editorials is no longer a reputable source. I’m putting WSJ on permanent ignore.
Wanna know how to make decent pumpkin pie? or pumpkin anything? Skip the pumpkin and use sweet potatoes. Pumpkin in anything is a bland, gross paste. Pumpkin spice, which should be called baking spices, are fine.
In a way, that fear is good. In 2016, most people just assumed that Clinton would win and voter turnout was low. If people are genuine worried about the future, hopefully they’ll show up to vote him out.
I find it good for winding down before bed. It’s interesting but not tense.
I Love tofu, find pressing tedious. Trying salt water boil next time. Thanks for the tip and the great ideas in the article!
Nothing new but it does give explicit examples that journalists should use in every interview with a republican politician. “On the record, are you ok with this neo-nazi being in the administration? Why has Trump not fired him over these revelations?” Yes I know the answer to that question, but journalists need to…
“I’m sick of these people needing their god damn hands held, or else they threaten to fuck over the entire world because they feel they didn’t get pandered to enough” This is why I laugh every time conservatives call liberals snow flakes; then those same conservatives cry big tears any time everything doesn’t line up…
Fuck. Villains like this with total disregard for other humans deserve the death penalty.
That’s a big step towards dictatorship. And we’re already getting there.
I think this is the effect of decades of the race baiting Southern Strategy. Many politicians grew up with the propaganda and actually believe it as much as their voters do.
It’s not anything he says that’s going to be helpful because, yea, he’s totally unreliable. It’s going to be documents which he has turned over. In Cohen’s trials, the AG briefly described the extensive paper trail that they could have used.
My wife used to do secret shopping, especially restaurants as we got meals at nice restaurants for free. One the big things they’d want checked on is that the staff properly did upsells when they thought management wasn’t looking. I found it creepy and annoying but she’d have to write people up for not saying the…
I’m so out if today. I thought this article was going to be about how people like Kushner can buy their way into Harvard and get an official “Smart Person” stamp on their mediocrity.
The admin part bears repeating. I work at a university. I swear, about every month, they announce the creation of a new type of dean. Between salary in the $100k/yr range, a likely team of underlings, and overhead, with each dean, the school just committed to throwing away nearly half a million a year. To do very…
Different cheese melts at different rates - not everyone uses those crappy slices of American cheese. A thicker slice needs more heat. If you’re cooking indoors in a pan, then there isn’t as much waste heat around the meat to melt the cheese and it wont’ melt too quickly if you put on while cooking.