Stan Taylor

I’m suspicious of anyone who works a hospital and doesn’t wear comfortable shoes.

How are they going to make sure hate-filled conservatives get out to vote without anti-gay measures on the ballot?

If one disagreed with an argumentative essay, wouldn’t the normal course of action be an opposing essay that counters the arguments of the original? There wasn’t any need to escalate it.

and pee. Don’t forget the kidneys.

The list of advised questions are bullshit, empty HR questions and are useful only if the interview is being conducted by HR idiots. When I conduct interviews, I look for people who ask questions that imply they have enough interest in the position that they have taken time to do research. Seriously, if you really

I think part of it is also supply and demand. If there are plenty of people who will eat dirt to live the dream of making anime, then there is no incentive to pay much as it’s easy to fill jobs. A similar story takes place in video game production - so many programmers grow up dreaming of making games that companies

Cut him some slack. While you were learning to ride a bike, he was burying his parents and plotting vengeance. So, he missed out on some of the more normal skills like how to ride a bike or how to smile.

Another case of responding to data with what's not only an anecdote, but one with biased observation. Learn how to reason. This level of argument would never fly in other domains.

And if they do, you're already screwed.

Can you imagine how many times those people are going to have to correct people spelling their names? "No, it sounds like Mike but it's spelled Myyche."

Not only did the researchers spend a great deal of time watching chickens have sex, and making detailed notes of the pairings, they would have had to operationally define intensity of semen ejection and measured it in a way that could be reliably replicated. Just how do you determine that an average of 80% of sperm

Not only did the researchers spend a great deal of time watching chickens have sex, and making detailed notes of the pairings, they would have had to operationally define intensity of semen ejection and measured it in a way that could be reliably replicated. Just how do you determine that an average of 80% of sperm

I wouldn't really call this a placebo, it's subject report, with the accompanying demand characteristics - if they measured something neurologically, I'd be more convinced.