Stan Taylor

Martin has said that no one will be allowed to finish the series but himself, but honestly I’d put even money on the Coreys. They’re both old friends of Martin — Abraham collaborated with him and Gardner Dozois on a short SF novel, and Franck was Martin’s personal assistant back in the day. And if the Expanse books

I think y’all just need to realize that he’s going to die without finishing it and some other author will be brought in to go through his notes, finish it, and make it publishable.

And then many of y’all will always be wondering or saying how much better it would have been if he had finished it instead of the other

I always found it odd when republican politicians, like Sarah Palin, would gripe about “gotchya” questions. Like, excuse me, but becoming president means having to answer even more difficult questions without resorting to such antics much less over one coming from a 15 y/o boy.

“Personal freedom” has been used by the right and warped to mean “I can do and say what I want without consequences. Oh, and you have to smile while I do or say those things. Also you can’t be mean to me.”

Brought to you by the people who wept in fear and anger of the idea of enforcing ANYTHING that had to do with stopping the spread of a deadly communicable disease, if even half-measures for a short period of time. 

It’s white voters in the South, they’ll keep voting for anyone who promises to keep those people away from them and their kids. Voting for politicians that actually produce results that help improve their quality of life pales in comparison to banning books that supposedly turn kids queer/promising to keep drugs out

I never had an issue with Reddit trying to charge for API access. That’s their prerogative to do that.

However, I don’t think Reddit/Spez fully appreciate how much their unpaid moderators keep the site from being a cesspool. Losing access to features that help the moderate was a bad move. Has Reddit come through on

I especially appreciated how she presented the “blood on your hands” statement:

If you have never watched the LuLaRoe documentary on Prime, I encourage you to do so. Everything in this woman’s little rant, from words to cadence, sounds exactly like the things those pyramid scheme scam artists would say to anyone who dared to complain. It’s freakishly similar.

DeSantis may have proved himself an unreliable commodity with the Disney feud, though. He’s demonstrated that he will 100% turn against any donor with the full force of his office (and then some) if he thinks it’s worth the potential updoots from his base. There are more reliable presidential candidates out there who

This. It’s not a moral issue at all, it’s about getting someone elected to a powerful position that is now beholden to you.

A year ago, I was legit terrified of DeSantis becoming president in 2024, but his determination to go hard right on culture-war issues while making embarrassing gubernatorial gaffes make him seem way less competent as a national candidate.

And this is why you never accept bonuses in lieu of raises. Employees would shit their bricks if there were pay cuts or pay freezes. But some of them readily accept the bullshit excuses for why bonuses are non-existent year after year. 

They’re not even saying they won’t support him, they’re just holding off until it’s a sure bet. It’s not like they morally oppose his stances, they’re just scared it’s going to hurt his chances on the national stage.

Trump was like a house guest that came over, used the guest bathroom, peed on the seat, stopped up the toilet, stole shit out your medicine cabinet, and then left without telling you.
Almost everything he left behind is rotten.

“I do not walk around my house thinking about my legacy. What a pompous way to live your life, thinking what will my legacy be,” the author says during the first episode of The Witch Trials of J.K. Rowling. “Whatever! I’ll be dead! I care about now. I care about the living.”

So then let’s celebrate this win!? The tone here and that I’ve seen elsewhere has been decidedly “meh” on this passing when it seems like there really isn’t much more we could expect at this time. I mean it had a homophobic congresswoman literally crying on the floor of the House, so it’s can’t be all that bad.

nonsense speak is always my red flag for a bs-person/business. 

I think that right-wingers are extremely selfish and do not care about other people, and they lack the intelligence/imagination to figure out why they should care about other people. Until they become the other people. But, they will only support something that directly affects themselves. Like this woman may speak

The reality is that people like her are the only ones that actually have a CHANCE to change the minds of those around them. The voice has to come from inside the house. Conservatives have done a perfect job of created sealed echo-chambers and creating voters who automatically reject anything said by anyone they