Stan Sitwell

Wow it must be so awful to have a roomy seat that gets encroached on by fat and tall people. Sounds so much worse than having your kneecaps jammed into a seat for hours and hours no matter what you do.

If they could institute a rule where they need to give you a seat that fits your legs, fine. As a taller person with long legs, on an avg flight I have about an inch of space if the person in front of me is not reclined, so it’s already impossible to get comfortable. If they’re going to make it like a city bus where

I was thinking the other day, was the plot dealing with Dom being on the bad side opposite the rest of the cast a byproduct of his feud with the rock, so they wouldn’t have to shoot together for the most part?

But twitter and Facebook and everything else. Who gets “the blaze” anyways? Can’t she have some dickbag bro of hers set up a quick studio for her to spew her intense bullshit and just put it on YouTube?

Oh come on, I’m sure the majority of her brain dead fans just suddenly realized “oh I guess I can be a republican moron and still say get off my body”. The young trampy girls who are all about guns and “don’t fuckin cross me or you’ll see the bitch come out”

Regardless though, isn’t the point here that this woman is a piece of scum for using “I’ll tell the cops you raped me” as a threat to get a man she doesn’t know, who has done nothing wrong, to do what she wants him to do?

Not true, maybe if you’re at Breitbart that’s the assumption. I think that if there are parts of a victims story or situation that give one reason to believe the accusation is flimsy, sure people will arrive with a “why don’t we wait and see approach”. But that’s the right fucking approach, because it’s so easy to

Wow, what a stretch! You must teach yoga

So stupid, if he did cut it out, You couple of nimrods would be sitting here wondering “what did he say at the end of the video that he cut out?... I bet he called her the N-word 5 times, you’re such a saint, bro”

Haha, no apparently a man can never be frustrated and release his own tension by <gasp> referring to any woman no matter how vile as a negative word.

I think we and you’d be mad if this guy called her the N word.

What concerns me is Aaron Hernandez wife was granted immunity for testifying in his trials and she revealed absolutely nothing.

How dare this piano player try to steal my girl!

So many songs are used incorrectly or misunderstood, “taking care of business” is a common political stumping song... but the song is joking about not really working at all.

Doesn’t matter, in this situation they literally should be watching it back, seeing how bad a missed call that was, and giving gonzaga the ball and NW 2 points. They have video replay, no reason to not just get it right.

Could be wrong and haven’t watched in years but Apu used to at least be voiced by (also white) Hank Azaria

After all , if he hears something or someone “gives” him some piece of info all he can do is then state it as important fact. What do you expect him to do, research the things he says? 

Having to stand in front of the media and be bombarded with his lies and shortcomings gets him down, so he literally needs a break to do what he had hoped being President would be like: standing at a podium talking all sorts of his bullshit while a crowd screams and cheers in suppprt of everything he says. He’ll

Yes this! It’s why space movies always seem to get my money.

Aside from special circumstances like being bored and invited to a movie I barely want to see, I only pay for cinema movies that are cinematic events. Most space movies I will get to, many marvel movies if the timing works out, not going to spend $15 to see a dumb comedy, that shit is more entertaining for $1 on