
Pictured: IOC Spokesman

I'm surprised you still have time to read Deadspin.

It’s complicated only in the sense that he didn’t read the entire card, from the top down. usually in these types of things, for suspense sake, they keep announcing the runners up all the way up to the 1st runner up, so that the eventual winner is defacto announced by process of elimination.

I can’t believe you’re an atheist and waited all the way until your second post to tell everybody.

Blistering hot and original take over here, guys!

I cannot wait for the SNL skit on this.

Shoutout to the three readers who flagged this comment as offensive.

That’s fine. Personally, I don’t believe U2 or Creed are sincere and passionate about anything other than how much they admire themselves for being Men Who Feel Things. That’s a large part of what makes them so gross.

Yes. You knew what the site was. You were looking to fuck married people. Marriage is hard enough without randos trying to mount your wife every time your back is turned. You were actively trying to fuck up someone else’s life.

You mean young and single and looking to casually destroy a marriage. Harmless really.

No you don’t wish that anyone who has been cheated on would never wish that.

it’s sarcasm... when is checking a serial number and a 2 minutes turn around time bad? Gizmodo is just being Fox News when it comes to Apple so I’ll be the Colbert Report.

Nope. Best practices for suicide reporting recommend not using “committed,” which sounds like a crime or, to religious communities, like a sin, and “kill yourself” is just insensitive, crude, and poorly phrased. “Died by suicide” is the phrasing recommended by mental health professionals and the American Foundation

Since when do people with lots of money only spend it on things they need? Hell, when I make more than expected I buy myself something nice, not paint for my peeling garage floor.

Well if they have the money, why wouldn’t they buy houses that big? Let them do what they please with their money.

Funny, I was an oversharer about sex—nothing graphic, but innuendos galore—and my black relatives told me it was “white” of me to do that.

You’re adorable with all of your goal post moving. I didn’t realize we were discussing the founding of America as opposed to one person’s comment on their personal relationships. All she said was that she doesn’t like discussing intimate details of her sex life with her sister and you accused her of being a) white

I don’t know if not wanting to speak graphically about sex with siblings is a racial thing, but I’ll be damned if I’m not lily white and absolutely horrified at the thought of talking graphically about sex with my siblings.

There’s another post in this reddit thread of someone’s uncle hooking up with Freddie Mercury

Thank you for sharing how you’re too good for casual sex.