
I miss this dude so much.

Oh God I haven't even thought about that but now I'm all excited.

I fucking love pageants.

We've taught my 3 year old the right words and he knows how to use them, but for some reason, he calls it his ding dong or his wacko when he talks about it. I don't even know where he got that, but I don't really care as long as he knows the right word when it comes down to it.

That I would agree with.

Most mature, adult, married people do not disappear at night without telling their spouses where they are going.

Thank you! This post partum is a bitch!

Sitting here rocking my 6 week old to sleep.....I should have skipped this article.

Exactly. It's like when my ex asked me what my definition of cheating was. If you wouldn't do it while I was in the room, then you're probably doing some shit you shouldn't be.

I was spanked as a kid by my father. His hand, no "weapons", on the butt. No one would have classified it as abuse. However, every time I saw him coming at me, I wet my pants out of terror. The man literally terrified me, and I resented the shit out of him for it. I grew up distrustful of him, and though we are

Have them burn their food but remove all the door and windows from the house so they can't escape and the FD can't get in.

That makes two of us. I won't be able to explain this if my boss walks up behind me. Ameriboner!

But that's not fun. She currently believes that a man rode the twin towers down to the ground and survived.

Those are people like my Grandma who get their information from dumb ass email forwards, I assure you.

I was actually shocked when I found out other states don't have to take state history the way we do. Up until 10th grade, we took Texas History and United States History, or Texas History and World History. But always two history classes and one of them was always Texas.

It's pretty true. We do it all the time to people.

Just remember when you hear that shit that 99.9% of us who live here do not feel that way. Crazies get the air time.

This is one of the many reasons I could never be an anchor because there is no way I would have ever just let that go and not called it out on the air.

That mofo is totally traveling though.....

This is the last I'll post.