
A steel building will collapse in a fire if it has serious structural damage. Which, this building had.

The evidence of a raging fire you asked for.

Did you actually watch the video? It's only about 30 seconds long.

I should have been more clear....not just cameras. THE cameras. The ones transmitting the live shots that the news shows were broadcasting. They did that because they were waiting for it to happen.

That's because you're looking at footage of the north side of the building (that conspiracy theorists love), not the south side where all the damage and a ton visible fire was. Look up footage on a regular site and it's plain as day.

Per the fire chief's admission, they knew 3 hours beforehand that building was going down so he made that decision. My point is that if this were some planned implosion, they wouldn't have known that.

Now playing

Also, please remember that WTC7 coming down surprised no one. The fire chief pulled his guys out 3 hours beforehand because it was out of control, and you can watch this video interviewing a firefighter who was in there. Every news station was trained on that building because they all knew it was coming. Do you

Oh wow.

What the poor kid doesn't realize is that it is not hard at all to weaken steel. Especially steel that's already been mowed down by a fucking airliner.

Um, I never mentioned anything about what the planes were made out of, nor did I intend to.

Here you go! Nite nite.

OH MY GOD IT WAS ON FIRE! There are other videos out there outside of your stupid truther shit that shows it. They just conveniently leave that out.

I already addressed that. It is highly plausible.

Yep. I already sat through one dumbass video of yours, I'm not sitting through any more. Show me one, REPUTABLE, fire expert who supports your claims and I'll watch. Throw in some original thoughts of your own, too.

Not in fire they aren't!!! Keep looking!

Also, I feel bad now because I didn't realize that English was your second language. Good night. Going to bed.

Oh you don't have to. I just was under the impression that you actually had some knowledge yourself and didn't need Youtube to explain things for you. I assumed you'd done more research on your own than just watching TV, but I was so, so wrong.

I should have read further before replying to you. I thought I was dealing with an adult who actually wanted to have a discussion. I'm out!

Oh, no. Sorry for the delay. We actually just wasted 15 minutes of our lives watching that stupid video with Ed Asner and Geraldo Rivera. ONE fire expert shown for all of 30 seconds. His only response was "I literally feel dumber having watched that" and then he got mad at me for forcing him to sit down.

I told you! He's no glass blower. Maybe one day he can go back to school.