
Well, remember they're currently trying to Do Outreach for the ladies, and they have just enough self-awareness to realize when they've fucked up and not quite enough to keep from doing it in the first place.

The conservative misogynist assholes of America are extremely lucky that I am apparently separated from them by a wide buffer of pro-feminist dudes. I swear to god, if anyone, female or male, ever told me to know my place as a woman, they would be dead before they hit the ground.

Also, I wouldn't put too much stock in Fox calling Cunningham out for it; back when Roger Ailes was managing Nixon's 1968 campaign, he would hold staged town-hall Q&A's, and he had the idea of finding a cab driver who could ask Nixon questions like "Okay, Mack, how 'bout these niggers?" so then Nixon could take the

This guy sounds like my grandpa when he gets on one of his rage-y "Obama is a secret Muslim penguin god that secretly sold everyone's daughters to Saudi Arabia" rants. But...I find it odd that THIS is what Fox News decided to backtrack on. Out of all the douchebaggery, all the ridiculous brain-melting drivel they

Yeah, I see it from the MRAs a lot - "oh, but men are more generally LIKELY to be subjected to violence, so where's my awareness campaign for that, HMMM?" As if feminists aren't allowed to draw attention to problems experienced primarily by women until we've solved everyone else in the world's problems first. It's

Oh, I can't wait for the men's rights types to show up and explain to us that whatever crap they're harping on today is every bit as bad as this 42% statistic. Don't read the comments on the Scientific American article unless you're hankering for a stroke. Here's a sample:

No, a neg would be "That's a bold choice. Most really masculine guys would be afraid to drink a woman's drink like white wine." You just gently mocked him. :)

Although, I am pretty sure that I negged my current bf on our first date. I said, "Really?" when he ordered a white wine at a bar.

I'll get that bitch a short position on commodities futures. Bitches love short positions on commodities futures.

Kind of irresponsible of Forbes Magazine to condone throwing rocks at half the human populace. Are they trolling us? Is this "all in fun" click bait? Is the whole world the Little Rascal's He Man Woman Hater Club? I'm tired of having my pigtails pulled, shut up now, I have work to do.

What planet are you on that you think you are entitled to a gift ever much less have someone give up a day or an evening to watch your little wedding show? Why invite people at all? Just so you can get stuff? Its really nauseating the level of entitlement and greed that people have and also have no shame about showing

It is common sense, but you just have to look at the thought behind it. They tried. They might have thought it was cute. I see someone else pointed out that they don't have a registry, but if you don't like what they got you, throw it away or give it to other people. If you're okay with nothing at all from people, you

Oooh, well in that case, I take back what I said about the gift being kind of crappy. No registry means you don't get to complain about what you get. (I know, no one should complain about gifts at all, but if you're going to complain, at least be legit about it!)

As in this story, many of us in marriage equality states are already facing this fun. I'm attending a gay wedding soon where the couple registered for nothing less than $75. Entitlement knows no gender preference! God bless america.

You are. No one owes you a gift. You invite someone to your wedding because you want them to share in your special day, not because you want presents from them.

I would have liked the gift. I'm lactose intolerant but if someone gave me a basket of cheese, I'd thank them for their thoughtful and custom gift and then quietly give to family or friends who can enjoy the food. Weddings are the celebrate a union not "make money".

But a wedding gift isn't's a nice thing you can do for someone. Okay, so people expect them, but there is nothing in the "wedding rules" that say "you must bring gift of value >or= to [insert amount here]. Quite like how a birthday gift isn't mandatory.

We'll know that we've reached true equality when gays and lesbians feel free to approach their wedding with the same vulgar sense of entitlement and ingratitude that straight people have.

I thought that getting spanked was a common/nonnotable thing among people of my generation/geographical region/SES, but when I told my therapist about how I was spanked as a child a few weeks ago he reacted like it was the most interesting thing I ever told him.

I was spanked as well (albeit not exclusively), but I'm referring to people who think they're taking some kind of moral stand by hitting their kids, and that drugs/drinking/sex/whatever-the-fuck wasn't a problem back before the liberals/feminists/gays/muties shut down spanking as an institution (see also those