
It's not awesome to see girls in action films when all they're doing is acting as a punchline. That's what Hit Girl is — it's "funny" to have a young blonde white girl call a group of enormous "ethnic" thugs "cunts." It's "funny" to have her say "I'm just fucking with you" to a wide-eyed geeky Kick-Ass.

Hey you know what would be a good idea? Having an actual woman direct the Wonder Woman movie... Kathryn Bigelow or someone similar.

No. An escort is an escort. A prostitute is a prostitute who still has to agree to performing certain acts.

Another way people commonly deal with this problem is to "acquire insurance."

Yes exactly. Thank you. I hope people pay attention to your clarification. But too bad there are people on here making comments like a guy can kill a woman for not having sex with him. I FUCKING HATE HUMANS.

Gross, sounds like you're well rid of him. I know people who defend their attachment to their guns by bringing up the second amendment, which is just CRAZY to me.

Are you fucking kidding me?? She was an escort. She went out with him. He paid her for the escort service that SHE PROVIDED. The fucking asshole wanted sex from her, and when she refused, he MURDERED HER. SHE DID NOT THREATEN IS PERSONAL SECURITY. You want to spin this like she robbed him of $150 so he was justified

Jesus Christ, thank you. I dated a guy who brought his gun everywhere. Like we were going to be at Chile's and he was the only thing standing between us and anarchy or something. I once pointed out that if someone tried to rob us and he went for his gun, we were likely to end up dead because even a half-decent mugger

I think I get the point you're trying to make, which is that there are certain areas of Texas where people have to uphold the law themselves rather than waiting for police intervention. That makes sense to me, and I can see how you can't just walk up to a nighttime robber with a copy of the law and ask them politely

I don't understand the point you're making. If you fear your life is in danger, you can shoot the person. This case is not about that. This man didn't fear his life was in danger. He shot someone in the back as they were leaving over a contractual dispute.

You're probably right about trying to draw a gun. There was a mythbusters where they measured how far a person could run at someone before they could draw a gun and fire. It was a ridiculously long distance.

If someone walks up to you with a gun and demands your money, you give it to them.

No, the law is insane because it allows people to use deadly force against another human being to recover property. JUST PROPERTY. Not to protect yourself, your body, or the bodies of your loved ones, but your property alone. That is insane and apparently unique to Texas.

I'm sure I never have nor never will meet your mother, but my love for her is infinite.

Turn off the news. Seriously. I've had to learn to wean myself off of constant coverage, its too upsetting and it doesn't help anything.

Oh, bah. I had my first kiddo at 23 and my body was "better" the day after I gave birth than any point up to getting pregnant. If by "better" you mean skinnier.

Thank you for responding, so I didn't have to. Like the OP, I took 9 months to get out of shape, and 9 months to "get back." But that's because I was so young, unprepared, poor, and eventually single.

I don't have a lot of patience for someone who's 20-something and boasts about the hard work they did to bounce back. That's terrific, hon. Now try being 40 and doing the same. Because I assure you, I have worked my ass off - running 5ks, eating right, lifting weights - and yet, my ass has not actually been worked

Too bad the mainstream media is, for the most part, ignoring this horrific story.

Serious question: are you saying that this woman was not in danger, she just jumped out of the window because she's racist against Indian men? Because that makes negative zero sense.