
Don't worry about it so much. Christianity is supposed to be all about love, charity, and exalting the weakest and poorest - and look at the fucking assholes we've got representing us. Jerkoffs turn up in any religion. Good ideas have power, and assholes are drawn to power like flies to shit.

Can I recommend a really good book? It's called "Does This Pregnancy Make Me Look Fat?" There's a strong chapter on dealing with pregnancy and EDs. One of my favorite pregnancy books out there.

Yeah, everybody wants to talk about the PR implications. I'm still far too upset about the story I just read.

I have that. I thought I was the only one.

Most of my Gen X friends just feel really bad for the millennials. You guys are kind of screwed. I mean, a lot of us had debt coming out of undergrad, but nothing like today. Millennials have the kind of student debt at 22 that our generation had coming out of law school. Plus, back in the day, there were still a few

I stopped leaking after the first six weeks, thank goodness. I know one lady whose boobs were like a fire hose. She leaked constantly, and she had to nurse lying on her back with the baby on top of her so the kid didn't choke. I know other people who had little baby barracudas who just mauled their nipples into

Nursing bras for bedtime are actually frigging crucial in the first weeks of nursing. You need something to hold an absorbent pad against your leaky boobs so you don't ruin the sheets. I found the sleep bras super comfortable, actually, and I kept wearing them.

I got catcalled the first time when I was ten. People suck where I'm from.

My first thought too. This seems like someone who's a textbook perfect definition of a psychopath.

Okay, you're right. That's a good point. But this quote:

What we have here is a perfect illustration of why I could not STAND Park Slope parents:

So batshit and clueless, they think precious little Hugo will be damaged by seeing something he wants but can't have.

So ineffectual that they are terrorized by the mere prospect of a toddler's bad behavior.

So entitled that they

Honestly and truly - as the parent of a two-year-old and a caregiver for other kids in the past, I don't find this hard. No means no. If I can't manage a two year old, that's my problem. It's not really on the rest of the world to stop making ice cream available in public.

Yeah, they have a qualification: Unlimited availability. Will work for next to nothing. Undocumented, so you can avoid those pesky payroll taxes. These are the qualifications of the NYC nanny.

This! Also, Jesus-H-Christ-on-a-gluten-free-cracker do not get me started on the fucked up food restrictions they have for their kids. I always wanted to toss a goldfish cracker to one of their shitty toddlers so I could watch the mother die of a brain aneurism.

Park Slope parents are some of the worst humans I have ever, ever met. I don't hate parents or kids. I love kids. I have so much sympathy for parents. If your kid is melting down in the grocery store, my heart bleeds for you. These people, though. I was in a "Mom & Me" for a while with some of them.

I have friends who got together at 19. They have the advantage of a long, shared history, and all of those memories are a bond. They grew into their adult selves together, so there's not much they don't already know about each other. Sometimes my friend wonders if she chose the right guy. She says she was six years in

Every book for women on how to get ahead in business, along with every seminar, magazine article, or mentoring program I've ever, ever seen - they all say the same thing: Women try to get ahead by doing their jobs well and hoping to be rewarded, and it never happens. Therefore, women need to learn to be demanding and

Um.... edit, thing, nevermind. Sorry.

I could talk about going to my aerobics classes and say the same thing: 30 women to 2 men, on an average day. If I used anecdotal evidence from, say, looking around a Pilates class or tracking who buys Zumba tapes, I would conclude that men aren't exercising at all.

Christ! That sounds really bad. I gritted my teeth and stuck with Marvel through House of M. I cringed my way through Civil War, ignoring it the best I could. When they started with that Secret Invasion bullshit though - fuck it. I was out. That's like, five years ago now, and I have no clue what's going on in the