
I'm so out of touch with what's I going on with DC and Marvel these days. I pretty much gave up on them after my favorite titles kept getting wrecked by those idiot crossover events. But yeah, Kirkman has a head full of really good ideas, which is why I read, but he needs someone to sit him down and help him develop

For TANF, at least, if dad and mom live together, whether unmarried or married, both of their incomes count in determining eligibility. If one parent is gone, you have to officially file for child support with the non-custodial parent before you can receive benefits. Last time I checked, EBT works the same way.

Yeah. Kirkman can't write women for shit. There's a lot of stuff to like about the comics, but the women characters are just fucking awful. They do not act in any way like a human being would act, ever, AT ALL, even in a zombie apocalypse.

Well, for us, it's because neither of us wants to be liable for the other's student loans and because marriage tax penalties would eat up every penny I earn that doesn't already go to daycare. I earn a lot less than my partner thanks to taking time off to have our kid, and if we married, taxes would take up more of my

Forget crushes on other people. How do you react when someone has a crush on you? That says way more about how you feel about yourself than how you write.


Yeah, but I don't watch shitty movies by white people either.

If you had any kind of idea the life that teenage girls lead inside certain crazy Christian subcultures you would never, ever suggest this. Instead, you'd be terrified *for* her that someone might find out.

I've figured out what's wrong with you already: You're depressed. I don't know exactly what to tell you to convince you that you're not broken or dirty, but you're NOT flawed, or defective, or unworthy, or bad. I want to make you realize that it's definitely, definitely the depression taking, but I'm not a therapist

Or maybe a call for white guys to embrace the neck-beard. It's natural and low-maintenance!

"Why do white people dye their hair? Don't they see how beautiful it is?"

Do not even get me started on BB's fan base and their issues with Skylar.

I've always felt like Betty Draper was supposed to be a sympathetic character, but the writers got pulled in a different direction by January Jones and her limitations as an actress. There's just something so weirdly off about JJ, whether she's "acting" or not. In interviews, she seems to be a very strange,

Get off the internet; go to Tennessee; talk with people.


That sounds lonely.

Really? Because yours was not the first "herp derp, I don't get why that's sexist/racist/homophobic" comment I've ever read. I assumed you were a troll and was not interested in feeding you. Perhaps the long, carefully written explanations from the nice ladies will convince you that the original comment was

While some of the comments were reasonable, you can look around upthread and on this segment and find a lot of unabashed contempt for kids and parents. I agree about employers. I could hardly agree more. Everyone I know with work is doing the job of three people - usually with a pay freeze (or cut), under constant

Stop playing dumb.