Also, this kind of upbringing meant that I *sucked* at TV tag.
Also, this kind of upbringing meant that I *sucked* at TV tag.
True, yes.... but unlike a hobby, children require more than just a person's "spare time." Especially when they are little, they need 24-7 care. A newborn needs to be fed every two hours. Toddlers need to be taught, over a long, painful, repetitive series of months to wee in the toilet, speak human speech, and eat…
Well, I'll be the one and only person to agree with you here. People act like having kids is the same as buying a fucking handbag - because, I guess, people are just consumers, no more and no less, and children are a costly consumer accessory. "Why should my taxes pay for your kid, when you don't pay a thing to…
Said your mom.
There's manufacturing in the Midwest? Hah. Not since the 80s, there's not. Or at least, not much. It all went to the Sun Belt, then to Mexico, then to China.
Go on the google and type in "confirmation bias."
Only bachelorette party I ever planned, we all played paintball. No presents. Everyone just bought a round of the stupidest drink they could think of at the bar after. That was a real bitch of a hangover, though. The competition to outdo the next person in ordering ridiculous grandma cocktails got very out of hand.…
What's with everyone here saying that freezing is the "wrong" reaction and punching is the right one? Escalating a physical conflict can go very, very badly. I mean, it's swell that you're a 9th degree black belt made of 200 lbs of solid muscle, but some of us are out-of-shape, pencil-necked geeks with the speed and…
Man, if I made a list of all the creepy old fucks like this that I've met in my life, I'd still be writing an hour from now. Of course he's been getting away with this for fifty years.
I love you.
Oh for fuck's sake. This shit goes on for pages. Someone just give in and tell Schweeps she's thrifty.
It's like the Hunger Games, but real life!
I'd vote to acquit.
Yeah man! Stop being prejudiced and go back to the Midwest - you know, that place where everyone is a fat, white, jello-eating fucker who votes Republican.
Yup. It's a no-win situation. "Women need to stop having kids they can't afford" versus "women need to start having kids earlier." Never a word about student loans that dog people into their forties and beyond, total lack of maternity leave policies, health-insurance that doesn't pay for childbirth (if you're lucky…
Tell me this is a gag account.
Real celiac disease is no damn joke. This kid I grew up next door to was celiacs, along with his mom and aunts and uncles. His mom had been diagnosed in the mid 1950s, when a lot of doctors didn't recognize celiac disease. At the time, she was eating five meals a day but literally starving to death because her…
I notice that people talking about "thought crimes" confuse two different issues:
Oh. This makes sense, actually. I guess I wasn't really thinking as much about the competition part of your comment. I was thinking more about exclusion and judging: how junior high groups would exclude and cold shoulder people who didn't fit with their clique or mock and openly judge them. That's something that is…
When you think about it, junior high means being penned together in a Lord of the Flies warehouse with people you can't stand and to whom you would never voluntarily subject yourself. Then you grow up, get some control over your life, and you do your best to pick a college or a job or a career where people are more…