
So true!

You guys are based in NYC, right? You weren't wrong about this lady. She heard you say hi. You see, the mean girls from high school grow up, marry bankers, quit work after their first kid, move to Westchester or Long Island when they get pregnant with kid #2, and become the nasty, exclusive clique that dominates the

Another really excellent read is _The Road to Hell: The Ravaging Effects of Foreign Aid and International Charity_, by Michael Maren.

Wow. You're like a living, breathing illustration of the Dunning-Kruger effect. It's impressive.

Oops - cross post. Excuses.

Ah, science. Thanks for all that science information! If you hadn't said "science," I might have mistaken this for a muddled hash of unfounded assertions and popular myth devoid of any kind citations or evidence — but you said "science," so now I see that you have authority.

Smile, girls! You catch more flies with honey!

Well, Christ knows that if a kangaroo court of some random undergrads and a couple of dumbfuck university admins says you weren't raped, that is the final and ultimate word on the subject. I mean, sure, they had no real information, no legal authority, no expertise, no experience, and are currently being investigated

You know what's a great plan? Keep up the constant, nasty squabbling for crumbs. Grudge every bit of attention paid to a problem that's not your own. Then the people who really own our asses can laugh all the way to the bank.

Book or movie? Because Book Arya is so sad now. She's gone from stubborn, plucky little girl to orphaned, PTSD'd, death-march surviving, dead-on-the-inside child soldier. As for Book Sansa, I keep wanting to see her turn into some kind of master political operator, but I'm starting to worry that she may be too dim to

So, the UNC policy on rape is: "I was raped." "No you weren't, and if you tell anyone you were, you're expelled."

I don't know, really, because I don't know you and don't have enough to go on, but here are some possibilities:

In a minute, if we could afford it.


I don't know if it's had an "affect" on the stats, but it might have had an effect.

So about the Steven Crowder article(s): Most of the stuff about how just amazing, really amazing marriage is comes straight out of mega-church Evangelical-land. Your first time, on your wedding night, is going to be so unbelievably special and mind-blowing and a precious, precious gift for your husband, so you have to


Actually, that makes me more impressed. I really wish I had some brilliant idea for how you could finish your degree, but I'm sure you know your own circumstances better than I do. That's hard. Really hard. And not fair, obviously.

Yeah, that's fine. I'm impressed that you had money saved at eighteen. It's cool that you went out and found work in HS, didn't have to kick your whole paycheck in to the family budget, and still managed to study enough to get into college. That's hard to pull off.

My reaction is to the idea that college freshman should not have to share a room with anyone because it's suuuuuch a hardship. Listen, I have roommate horror stories like you wouldn't believe. I was 24 before I ever had my own bedroom. I've never had my own apartment - I saved money by having roommates up until the