Sad not to see Person of Interest on this list. I made a playlist from that that I still listen to.
Sad not to see Person of Interest on this list. I made a playlist from that that I still listen to.
I’m sadly not surprised. I saw her at Rose City Comic-Con, and she struck me as kind of anti-intellectual.
She did, but it was before the show was released so she could only go off of the trailer. She gave it a “it was a design choice” regarding the inaccurate fabric colors.
To me denying future students debt cancellation because we had to work through it is the same kind of thinking that allows things like hazing rituals to continue: We had to suffer, so everyone else should as well. Sure, it’s annoying that we missed or partly missed the chance (I’m half way through my student debt),…
Yeah, I was only a couple of weeks old when my family moved (and it was a college town, anyway), so I don’t really have a place where I say I’m “from.” I have the place where I grew up, and the place where I’ve lived for ~10 years.
Freaky. I just started thinking about picking up spinning again last night. Must be something in the air.
I read somewhere that Scarlet Witch is at least going to be in Dr. Strange.
Indeed, she played the lounge singer in Fallout 4, and was quite good.
Fat and connective tissue
Damnit. I live in Portland and had no idea that that was happening. This is what I get for never reading the Mercury, I guess.
Anyone who says that the costume and production design of Ragnarok and Black Panther aren’t art... doesn’t know what they’re talking about, frankly.
I think maybe you meant to say “Luckily, you have us,” at the the beginning of the article, not "Lucily, you have us."
I think maybe you meant to say “Luckily, you have us,” at the the beginning of the article, not "Lucily, you have…
Yes. See also these data and these criteria.
Yeah, even Alanna works hard to reclaim her femininity once she’s “out.”. She has to contend with dopes like Jonathan—who wants her to be all feminine—and Liam—who freaks out when she puts on a dress (seriously, what an asshole).
DOOM was hilariously bad, and I still agree
This may be the most Portland article I've ever seen :-D
Two of my favorite subreddits are r/DiWHY and r/DiWHYNOT. There's some pretty great stuff
Couldnt agree more regarding Tamora Pierce. The Protector of the Small is also my favorite section of the series. The writing in The Song of the Lioness is, frankly, a bit amateurish, but by Protector she has really found her groove. Kel is also much more relatable to me, being a firmly nonmagical person in a world…